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Laptop Computer Requirements for Basic Video Editing


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
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Right now I am typing on an aged Thinkpad. It can barely handle running the relatively small video files (default settings in Freeflight 6) I downloaded from my Anafi. The playback was jerky, start and stop affair.

What would be the basic performance characteristics (microprocessor, video card, etc.) I would need in a laptop to achieve smooth playback of video and the ability to do some basic editing?
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What I have found is that the VRAM seems to be the most important factor for smooth video playback & editing. Get something with 2GB of VRAM & you should be right. Make sure to get something with 64 bit architecture to it also, if the old ThinkPad is possibly 32 bit.

I have a desktop computer with 512MB of VRAM & even though my 4K playback is choppy in watching & editing, the output isn't, unless it is captured that way by yawing or descending too fast.
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To bad. Guess its time to dig deep into the pockets for some hard earned cash. I am in the same boat but need to wait for a good sale.
Right now I am typing on an aged Thinkpad. It can barely handle running the relatively small video files (default settings in Freeflight 6) I downloaded from my Anafi. The playback was jerky, start and stop affair.

What would be the basic performance characteristics (microprocessor, video card, etc.) I would need in a laptop to achieve smooth playback of video and the ability to do some basic editing?

I would suggest getting rid of Windows and installing Linux Mint prior investing in new hardware. Linux generally can prolong the use/life of an old machine as it runs better on old hardware than Windows. Prior that, you can try VLC media player (free), as it comes with the latest codec pack, because codecs can be an issue too.

It is hard to recommend something without knowing your budget, and are you looking for a laptop or a desktop computer. The bigger the budget, the faster the editing will be. New hardware with Celeron processor is a no-no.
Right now I am typing on an aged Thinkpad. It can barely handle running the relatively small video files (default settings in Freeflight 6) I downloaded from my Anafi. The playback was jerky, start and stop affair.

What would be the basic performance characteristics (microprocessor, video card, etc.) I would need in a laptop to achieve smooth playback of video and the ability to do some basic editing?

An aged Thinkpad is many different things. But in general, your HD's low reading speed is the first hurtel where things can go wrong. If you have a normal fast SD card reader, try copying the file onto a fast SD card and playing it from there.

Unfortunately, you should expect to invest in a reasonably fast gaming computer to be able to edit 4k video files without too much trouble. If you want to "only" edit 1080p, any newer computer with 8 GB of RAM and an SSD should be fine.

I use myself an 2017 top ASUS gaming laptop (Intel i7+ 8GB RAM+ NVIDIA GTX 1050) with a very fast 512GB SSD (mvme) and a fast 1TB regular HD. It is acceptable for ordinary 4k video as an amateur.

Regards, Leif.
As above, You will need at least an Intell I7 ( or the AMD equivalent), AT LEAST 8 Gigs of ram, The best video card/chip that can be found at your budget, a 258 Gig SSD, a 1TB or bigger "regular" hard drive ( either external USB 3.0) or internal for storage of the video files. Most of this can be had in a decent modern laptop. That being said, that "decent" laptop will be approx $ 800-1,000 USD...depending on sales, etc...The lower end ones ( under $500 USD) won't do it smoothly. Video editing/rendering of HD and especially 4K takes a lot of processing power and memory
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Right now I am typing on an aged Thinkpad. It can barely handle running the relatively small video files (default settings in Freeflight 6) I downloaded from my Anafi. The playback was jerky, start and stop affair.

What would be the basic performance characteristics (microprocessor, video card, etc.) I would need in a laptop to achieve smooth playback of video and the ability to do some basic editing?
Before you spend a dime on anything, let me tell you my story. I got my anafi a couple months ago and after downloading my first videos from the first flight, which looked ok on my smartphone while I was flying. I got the files on my imac computer and they looked as you describe yours. So, we start the blame cycle, trying to find what is to blame for what is happening. So, it took me until next day to realize that there was no one to blame for what was going on. Number 1: by default the drone starts recording in beautiful 4K, but my computer plays only full HD, that is 1080.
So I went to adjust my Anafi to record on 1080 (or 720) and the footage looks gorgeous and smooth.
And no penny had to be spent!
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Before you spend a dime on anything, let me tell you my story. I got my anafi a couple months ago and after downloading my first videos from the first flight, which looked ok on my smartphone while I was flying. I got the files on my imac computer and they looked as you describe yours. So, we start the blame cycle, trying to find what is to blame for what is happening. So, it took me until next day to realize that there was no one to blame for what was going on. Number 1: by default the drone starts recording in beautiful 4K, but my computer plays only full HD, that is 1080.
So I went to adjust my Anafi to record on 1080 (or 720) and the footage looks gorgeous and smooth.
And no penny had to be spent!


I was able to run the files from the Anafi on my work laptop with no problem but I understand that short of buying a new personal computer there is the option of reducing resolution on the Anafi. For the most part I'll be sharing video with family and friends on FB so I don't have a pressing need for anything better than 720 or 1080.
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I have a terrible 200$ chromebook that I’ve successfully edited clips in 4k.

It has a low power 4 core arm processor, only 4GB of ram, and a tiny 16GB onboard emmc memory ( like an ssd, but laughably slower ).

I used kdenlive to open the clips, and do some basic editing. It doesn’t play back the clips in realtime, but you get an idea of what you’re looking at in a thumbnail, and with patience, make cuts and transitions then render the results. Hitting the play button in preview just gives you a little slideshow style playback instead of smooth video.

4K is especially slow, takes two hours to render 4 minutes worth, but if you send that file to youtube or throw it on a card/thumbdrive for your 4k tv, nobody will know about the ghetto setup you used to create the clip.

As a bonus with youtube or other video sharing sites they’ll transcode it to lower settings, so once you’ve uploaded your 4k you can view it on an underpowered device in 720 or 360 or whatever, but those with better devices can see the high quality clips.

Obviously I prefer to review and edit video on a more powerful setup connected to a 4k monitor, but it’s not impossible to do things with budget gear if you’re willing to wait.

i7 with SSD in raid0 and 32GB RAM and 1080ti video would be a great setup, but you can certainly get by with i3s and 8GB of ram with on board video if you’re just learning to cut together clips and figure out what you want out of your new drone footage.
I have a terrible 200$ chromebook that I’ve successfully edited clips in 4k.


i7 with SSD in raid0 and 32GB RAM and 1080ti video would be a great setup, but you can certainly get by with i3s and 8GB of ram with on board video if you’re just learning to cut together clips and figure out what you want out of your new drone footage.
Love your ethos @AugerIn ! (y)

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