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Learning to fly the Anafi manually (Old Noarlunga Farmhouse 02)

Krusty Geeza

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2018
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Adelaide, South Australia
Not all that far from the video I shared the other day titled "Old Noarlunga Farmhouse 01" is this place that was a sheep station for the longest time. I'll be back for a more thorough investigation of it tomorrow, with my hand-held 4K video, DSLR & the Anafi.

Unfortunately, I ran out of time after testing out the Follow Me modes of the Anafi here, having to head back home, & it was getting too hot. :cautious:

Still using every opportunity to learn to manually fly the Anafi & the footage here was all taken with me manually controlling her. This was my fourth attempt at manually flying a drone & I think I am becoming more confident with it. Still so much to practice though, I have a check-list of techniques I am slowly working my way through! Cinematography & flying a drone is new to me, as is the editing, so it's all of that to learn & refine at the moment... :eek:

Seems like you're doing fine. I bought a cheap drone online thinking I could practice with it just to also get better at i t. , Just receive it couple days ago, **** thing is almost impossible to control so waste of money on that one.

Nice thing though around my part of the world now, the days are getting longer so will be able to practice also.
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Seems like you're doing fine. I bought a cheap drone online thinking I could practice with it just to also get better at i t. , Just receive it couple days ago, **** thing is almost impossible to control so waste of money on that one.

Nice thing though around my part of the world now, the days are getting longer so will be able to practice also.
Thanks! I did the same thing, flew it indoors once & it has sat there unused & unloved since then!

Looking forward to when you folks in the North can start sharing some footage too. I might be a bit better by then! ;)

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