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Parrot in Iceland sample footage (also just sayin hi)


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2018
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Hey guys, I haven’t been around for awhile, but thought I’d drop in to check on you all. This video includes quite a few Parrot Anafi clips in it. There is also some Mavic Air footage and some old stuff shot with a 3DR Solo. Most of its Anafi though. (We only got permission to shoot in one national park this time, so they had to use some of my old footage for other shots from before the drone regulations went in).

The Anafi footage is all from last summer, within the first few months of the Anafi’s release. I actually have a ton more footage, but they still might use it for some stuff, so I can’t show it. Anyway, I can get a lot more out of the Anafi’s camera now than I could back then.

This is from one of the photographer’ personal websites. These guys are working on a bigger project I cant talk about. All I’ll say is that you can get broadcast acceptable footage out of an Anafi (with professional post production, which this video lacks). I’d also mention that these guys are animals. Like wake up at 3am, hike 12 kilometers up a mountain, and not break a sweat. Trying to keep up was not easy. Thank god the Anafi is ridiculously light and easy to deploy (right from your hand) quickly. I was incredibly greatfull to NOT be hiking with heavy gear. There would have been no way to keep up - I’m the somewhat fat dude leaning up against the truck as it pulls away from the little fishing hut we slept in). Huge fan of the Anafi.

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Stunning footage that shows respect of & really gets across the immensity of the places visited!

May I ask for more clues in regard to the mention of "broadcast acceptable footage"? I have found it to be more than capable at 4K in P-Log, but can't speak to industry standards as I have zero awareness in that regards. I guess I am looking for any tips you are willing to share so as to achieve better footage again. :)
Richi, Well done. I love Iceland. I too flew SOLO for three years until Anafi came along. No looking back. drone on...
Richie is one of the photographers. I’m just the drone guy. You should check out his stuff.

As for the 3DR Solo... I really loved that thing. It wasn’t my main drone, but it was a lot of fun and a solid workhorse. Nobody has really matched their best smart shot, ie the multi-point cable cam. A great way to set up and repeat shots when you don’t have time to scout a site or do any pre-planning. I can generally reproduce the functionality with Litchi on any of my DJI drones, right up to an m600... but it’s not quite as good as the Solo (which logarithmicly eased in and out from point to point. If I really need that effect for a shot today, I’ve pretty much got to do it manually.)
Stunning footage that shows respect of & really gets across the immensity of the places visited!

May I ask for more clues in regard to the mention of "broadcast acceptable footage"? I have found it to be more than capable at 4K in P-Log, but can't speak to industry standards as I have zero awareness in that regards. I guess I am looking for any tips you are willing to share so as to achieve better footage again. :)
Well on my side, I’ve just got to nail the exposure and fly smooth, and avoid shots that won’t work with the frame rate (like no quick horizontal pans if shooting at 24fps, ie avoid judder). Getting the right exposure is critical.

Then I dump off the footage and they run it through neat video to clean up the noise. Stabilize the footage even if it looks perfect, because any tiny shakes or jitter becomes more and more apparent the bigger the screen. And a colorist will need to match it up to other cameras, and of course make sure all HSL values are legal for broadcast. The reality is they actually do a rough cut before all those steps above, but it’s mostly the colorist who gets it all broadcast safe.

This video was put together by a kid that works for the photographer. He probably edited and did any tweaks to color himself in Final Cut on a MacBook. That’s fine for the photographers website. Most professional shops seem to use a combination of Davinci Resolve, Neat Video, and Adobe Premiere Pro... although it seems like in the last year I keep running into editors that are switching back to Apple’s FinalCut after like a decade of Adobe premiere pro dominance. I don’t know what thats about (and I kind of don’t care because that’s all out of my hands).
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Thanks so much for your detailed response @dmbrody its very much appreciated. I am on the right track with it all, which as photography is my thing is a relief! :sneaky:
Working with these guys has given me a great appreciation for landscape and wildlife photographers. It’s much more than point and shoot. Aside from all their gear and the lengths they goto physically to get a shot, they are artists who have a really good eye for composition and how to frame a shot. My best drone photos are actually theirs. Meaning they would direct me over my shoulder, frame up a shot to get an interesting composition. They would constantly see things that I miss. Thankfully they are absolutely horrible drone pilots so they still need me. ;-)

Edit: one issue I ran into a lot was lighting. Many times these guys hike in to a site before dawn (or camp out the night before). Even before the sun crests the horizon they would be taking long exposure shots. By the time the sun was actually high enough to provide enough light for me to start shooting, they’d be ready to pack it up and go.
Working with these guys has given me a great appreciation for landscape and wildlife photographers. It’s much more than point and shoot. Aside from all their gear and the lengths they goto physically to get a shot, they are artists who have a really good eye for composition and how to frame a shot. My best drone photos are actually theirs. Meaning they would direct me over my shoulder, frame up a shot to get an interesting composition. They would constantly see things that I miss. Thankfully they are absolutely horrible drone pilots so they still need me. ;-)

Edit: one issue I ran into a lot was lighting. Many times these guys hike in to a site before dawn (or camp out the night before). Even before the sun crests the horizon they would be taking long exposure shots. By the time the sun was actually high enough to provide enough light for me to start shooting, they’d be ready to pack it up and go.
Sounds very familiar to me, with my being a long exposure photographer primarily. The difference in usable light is still something I am getting used to with the Anafi, but it has performed admirably for me about 15 minutes prior to sunrise a few times for me now. My photography was nearing an end by then, as I'd been going already for a good half hour already.
What a stunning job and amazing footage and landscapes!
Makes me want to visit Iceland even more than I want now :D
First few seconds of footage with hills reminded me of a Negev Desert somehow

Could you point out where in the video you used the Anafi? It would be good to see and compare it to the rest of the video and what other UAV's where used. There are a lot of people who think the Anafi is just a toy UAV and could never produce anything close to DJI or the EVO.
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