I've taken my new Disco up for several flights, and I can't figure out why I can't retrieve the flight data in FlightData Manager. I'm afraid I'm probably doing something stupid, but I can't figure out what, for the life of me. After a flight, I don't touch anything, letting the Disco, Skycontroller 2, and FreeFlight Pro run for several minutes. Both days, flights are showing up in My.Parrot, and I can click on a flight and have both the GPS track and the flight data come up on the individual flight info screen(s) in FreeFlight Pro. But when I try to retrieve the fight info into FlightData Manager, all the details are missing, so I can't generate graphs or the data files to send to VIRB Edit. Is there something I'm not turning on in the Parrot or FreeFlight Pro, am I doing something wrong in transferring the data to My.Parrot, or is there an issue with FlightData Manager? There are screenshots attached that show what comes up in FreeFlight Pro when I click on the My.Parrot button and when I click on an individual flight, as well as screenshots from FlightData Manager. Btw, the flight videos recorded fine, and I was able to download them from the Parrot to my PC. Any assistance will be most appreciated, and please excuse my ignorance. Happy Flying!