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Samsung s5e vs iPad Mini 4


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2018
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I had heard a lot of good things about the iPad Mini 4. It seemed to be the go-to display for the Mavic and Anafi. I found one for sale locally at a really good price. It had cellular capability as well as Wifi. I installed the Free Flight app and had to purchase the extra flight mode app and Flight plan app again even though I had already bought them for my android devices. The apps installed and worked fine but I discovered something I had not thought about with the iPad. The aspect ratio is like 4 x 3 and does not match the 16 x 9 feed from the camera, so you end up with black bars at the top and bottom and wasted space on the display.
I bought a Moko cover/case for the iPad and rigged up a simple way to mount it to the controller using a rubber band. I added two plastic sides to the cover flap to make a fold up hood. This setup was lightweight, simple and very compact when folded.
I tested the setup outside and it worked OK. The display was not as bright as my phones but certainly usable with the hood.
The other device I had been considering is the Samsung s5e 10.5" tablet. I had read that it worked with the Free Flight app and was visible in sunlight. I checked one out at the local BestBuy and was impressed with the size, weight and narrow bezels. The aspect ratio was perfect and it seemed very bright. I read that Samsung had a trade in deal and I found an old tablet that would net me $50 off the regular price, so I ordered one.
It arrived in a few days and I installed the needed apps. I did not have to pay again for the extra ones. The app connected easily and worked fine, no delays or other problems. I tested it outside in the bright sun and was amazed to see that it was usable even without a hood, much brighter than the iPad. I have ordered a Moko case for it and will rig up a similar mounting arrangement and hood as I made for the iPad. The s5e is a bit larger and heavier than the iPad. The processor is newer and faster, probably more future proof. It has GPS without buying a cellular model. It has more memory and a card slot. I should be able to view videos and photos easily. The larger screen area will be better for my aging eyes and should make setting waypoints easier for my fat fingers.
I posted the iPad for sale locally and quickly sold it for more than I paid. So if any of you are considering these devices, I would easily recommend the s5e.
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I tested the s5e sd card slot for viewing videos and photos from the Anafi. It works fine. 4K video plays smoothly without stuttering. You have to use the supplied Sim extractor tool (or a small paperclip) to open the tray which is annoying. I have ordered a micro sd to USB C adapter which should be handier to use but an extra item to carry.

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