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Serial No

Parrot were going to mail me how to determine the manufacturing date from the 18 digit serial number / letter code. They didn’t, I thought I could work it out myself but it is not that straight forward .
I will be talking with them today, if I remember I will ask again.
Reason was they were trying to convince me that the the reason for my Skycontroller2 failure was it was and old stock model circa 2010/11......the serial code would prove that.......( the fact it had new fpv glasses, 3300 battery and a blue LED light in the drone put pay to that theory)
Here we go......
Locate 18 digit serial number ( numbers / letters) count last 6 digits from the end, 7th digit will be a letter, this denotes “ month” in my case it was “H” which denotes August ( 8th letter of alphabet / 8th month of year)
Next digit is the year, in my case “8” equates to 2018.

Hope this helps!

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