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Skycontroller Firmware Update


New member
Feb 4, 2023
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Good Morning, I recently got an used Parrot Bebop drone together with the Skycontroller (see fotos attached).
My first question: I cannot find any further specification - is that a Bebop 1, 2 ... - same with Skycontroller - can anyone advice?

Now to the problem: I did a firmware update at the Drone - "press the on button for 10 seconds ....." which seemed to work - can fly the drone with my IPad. However there is a problem by connecting the skycontroller with the drone - there are all lights in white, also the wifi - however the battery indication of the drone remains red, although the drone battery is fully charged and can be flown by the IPad (see fotos). Now I have selected the
Skycontroller Wifi on my IPad and opened the FreeflightPro App. It showed, that the controller is not connected, but on the second App-foto you can see the S/N, Software Version and battery charge !?
I assume that it has to do with the fact, that I updated the Drone-SW but not the Controller-SW. I tried to do that but failed.

And this is my further request for help: I did as shown in different YouTubes: load down the Skycontroller Firmware Update from the Parrot Website which was nap_update_4 (1).plf, copy it to an empty USB stick, plug it into the Controller and switch it on: Before that I connected it to a screen by an HDMI cable to see what happens ... - on the screen I could see the tutorial but no update sequence - tried it several times without any success!

Can anyone tell me what I did wrong??

Many thanks for your ideas!

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I don't have the sky controller 1 but you just need to push the red button on FF pro to calibrate it.

USB has to be formatted to fat 32 and only have nap_update_4.plf exactly as I have written on it without the parenthesis. And only that file on the stick. Other users reported the stick has to be under 2GB capacity but unsure on that.

check this out How To Parrot Sky Controller Firmware Update (Step-By-Step) | TheDronestop

And I would change SSID and get WPA2 going on it.
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Thanks for your inputs - had however no success. Recently I tried to download the update file on a new USB stick with more GB - this time I formatted (slow formatting) a 2 GB USB stick to fat32 and tried again - no update sequence seen on the connected screen - actually I am nearly to step on it !!:LOL:😵‍💫
Hello, I am new to parrot piloting too. Also tried to update Skycontroler with file from the site. Its corrupted, and bricked my SC
. But I found a very kind person on internet, who is expert on parrot drones. He sent me files for update the SC. And it is working now
Hello, I am new to parrot piloting too. Also tried to update Skycontroler with file from the site. Its corrupted, and bricked my SC
. But I found a very kind person on internet, who is expert on parrot drones. He sent me files for update the SC. And it is working now
Where can I find these files?
Here is the file that I received. And it is tested, my Skycontroler iz working. Update file from site is bad, I bricked my SC with it. Managed to repair it wit this file. Just follow instructions.
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People on other forums have stated, in order for 1.7.4 to work you need all the older firmwares installed first for some reason, then it will work. People are probably jumping straight from an older firm to 1.7.4 and skipping some firmwares in the middle assuming 1.7.4 has everything previous, which it doesnt. Looks like there are 3 previous firmwares try to install each in order then 1.7.4. For some reason I believe this true for the bebop itself as I have actually witnessed a GPS firmware update on an old FF3 app when I used it. That I never saw on FFPro
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