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This forum is so much friendlier than

Hawkeye Alaska

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2018
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Ever been to the Yuneec forum? There is a hard core group over there that think their entire role is to bash people at every turn. Hobbyist are constantly berated. This group are all 107 pilots and can't wait to tell you all of their qualifications and how they have been there and done that long before you were even born and how wrong you are
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I was on the DJI forum reading for a while. I was close to getting a mavic air but the Anafi is so much quieter and I really like the camera capability on the Anafi more than the mavic air. This forum is just a bonus as it is a great source for information without all the attitude you see on other drone forums.
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I belong to most of them and some you may have not heard of. Been doing this full time since 2014. After awhile you just learn to ignore the load mouths and know it alls. But then again sometimes I just can't help myself and my boss on here has to remind be about the being nice rule :)
I belong to most of them and some you may have not heard of. Been doing this full time since 2014. After awhile you just learn to ignore the load mouths and know it alls. But then again sometimes I just can't help myself and my boss on here has to remind be about the being nice rule :)
Hi Augustine, I've seen you over there and you know exactly who I am referring to. You are always helpful there and here
I was on the DJI forum reading for a while. I was close to getting a mavic air but the Anafi is so much quieter and I really like the camera capability on the Anafi more than the mavic air. This forum is just a bonus as it is a great source for information without all the attitude you see on other drone forums.[/QUOTE

Considering the purchase of the ANAFI as a more compack drone, as I have the Bebop2. Curios as to whether or not you have done any FPV flying ? and if so, what was your setup? I have the NVIDIA Shield tablet, which I think would work well with the ANAFI, as it has an HDMI out port. Thoughts ??
mbetts, I do fpv flying all the time. I just use my phone though which works fine for me. It is a galaxy S7 and there is very little lag between the drone and phone so works great. No experience with a tablet so cant help there.
mbetts, I do fpv flying all the time. I just use my phone though which works fine for me. It is a galaxy S7 and there is very little lag between the drone and phone so works great. No experience with a tablet so cant help there.

Appreciate the reply. RU Flying FPV with the ANAFI ? If so, ru using a pair of goggles that you slide your phone into? and when I last spoke with Parrot via email (1 week ago) they indicated the ANAFI couldn't be flow FPV, because I assume the software won't support it?? If this is a workaround, what is your hookup (cable) connection process? I had considered using a NVIDIA Shield table which has and HDMI out connection. The cable hookup would go as follows....USB cable from the ANAFI controller to the tablet, then HDMI connection from the tablet to the FPV goggle (Fat shark or other type of goggles). Your thoughts?
mbetts, I guess I'd have to call what I do modified fpv because I simply look directly at my phone while flying and get the first person view that way. Doesn't give me the 3d view but does allow me to fly while seeing the view thru the camera. Since the Anafi has very little lag time on my galaxy phone, it works good.
mbetts, I guess I'd have to call what I do modified fpv because I simply look directly at my phone while flying and get the first person view that way. Doesn't give me the 3d view but does allow me to fly while seeing the view thru the camera. Since the Anafi has very little lag time on my galaxy phone, it works good.

Appreciate the clarification....Yesss, I think the way in which you're viewing what the ANAFI sees in flight, would classify as "Modified FPV", as the FPV I know entails using a set of FPV Goggles, which allow the pilot to see first hand in 2d view, what the drone sees, as well as all the telemetry provided by the drone while in flight. It really is the closest thing to actually being one with the drone and seeing first hand what the drone sees. Do you have a pair of FPV and or VR Goggles (the type you slide your phone into, Fat Shark or otherwise) ??

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