I recently purchased a used Bebop 2 that came with a Skycontroller 1 Black Edition and cant get beyond 130 feet in distance or elevation before i loose WiFi signal and RTH is activated. I'm going on 3 weeks now reading everything i can find, watching every YouTube video and tutorial out there and cant figure out whats going on. I've reset the drone back to factory and started over, Bebop 2 firmware v4.7.1, Skycontroller v1.7.4, Free Flight Pro v5.2.2. I've tried all WiFi settings on both 2.4 and 5 GHz in manual and WiFi all. In manual mode i'm using WiFi bands with minimal to zero urban signal interference. I'm making sure that the drone is connected to the Skycontroller and that my device is connected to the Skycontroller WiFi before starting Free Flight Pro. I've tried using an iPad Air 2, iPhone 6 Plus, Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Tab E, all up to date on current iOS and Android versions. I've piloted the drone with and without the Skycontroller and get the same WiFi range before loosing WiFi signal. Geo fencing is turned off. Flown in Video and Sport Mode. I've come to the conclusion that i have an antenna issue but cant figure out if the issue is with the drone or the Skycontroller. I've checked that the Skycontroller antenna cables were properly connected, on the drone I've removed and replaced both of the antennas. The only thing i have not done is open the drone or the Skycontroller to check the antenna cable connections at the mother boards or replace all of the antenna cables. I don't have access to another Bebop or Skycontroller to borrow to help me isolate which is causing my issues. I have minimal electronic technical experience and don't have the equipment or knowledge to test cables and boards or WiFi signal transmission and reception strength. Before i attempt to open them up and start spending more money replacing cables, antennas, boards, etc. can anyone think of anything i'm overlooking or lend some technical assistance. Really, any form of help at this point would be greatly appreciated!