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Anafi Fan


New member
Dec 27, 2018
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Hi all, i have a question. Every time i power up my anafi the fan start's and stays on forever, even if i don't fly with the drone, is this normal? In my opinion the fan only start if is too hot, temperatures here are around 12º/20ºC.
If I am working with the Anafi on the bench, ie firmware updates and the such, I always have a half decent fan blowing over the Anafi to try and help cooling.

Goes back to my Mavic Pro days when you ran the risk of frying the chips whilst doing a firmware update and the device created too much heat.

More than a few lost their devices due to lack of air flow..... So now its a matter of habit.
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Hi all, i have a question. Every time i power up my anafi the fan start's and stays on forever, even if i don't fly with the drone, is this normal? In my opinion the fan only start if is too hot, temperatures here are around 12º/20ºC.

The fan is always operates at full power when the Anafi is on, so this is quite normal what you experience.

Regards, Leif.
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hey guys ... my little bird started making this noise last night and this morning. it is the fan for sure. I was able to push the fan back down as if it came off of the motor or something. I am way more qualified to replace this thing and the repair from what I have seen is a piece of cake. HOWEVER. $33us. on Amazon ???? This type of fan cost at maximum $10 and that is with free shipping. does any one have a bird apart so we can get some measurements ? I found the same scale fans on ebay for $6 so all we need is some dimensions and we all can get 4 for the price Amazon is asking. This just seems to be some Apple like markup BS !! I have been building computers for over 10 years now and there is no way a tiny dc fan costs $33. Hell I paid $15 for a 180mm fan to replace the one in a power supply. This is just Shitting on us Parrot people !!!!
hey guys ... my little bird started making this noise last night and this morning. it is the fan for sure. I was able to push the fan back down as if it came off of the motor or something. I am way more qualified to replace this thing and the repair from what I have seen is a piece of cake. HOWEVER. $33us. on Amazon ???? This type of fan cost at maximum $10 and that is with free shipping. does any one have a bird apart so we can get some measurements ? I found the same scale fans on ebay for $6 so all we need is some dimensions and we all can get 4 for the price Amazon is asking. This just seems to be some Apple like markup BS !! I have been building computers for over 10 years now and there is no way a tiny dc fan costs $33. Hell I paid $15 for a 180mm fan to replace the one in a power supply. This is just Shitting on us Parrot people !!!!

Yes it is like and milking a goat without milk to demand $ 33 for the little fan. I changed the fan on my DJI Mavic Pro. If I don't remember wrong, a brand new cost little under $6 including shipping from China.

Unfortunately, I do not know the dimensions of the fan that sits in Anafi. Parrot gives 1 year warranty on their products so maybe you should let them change the fan instead ?

Regards, Leif.
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Yes it is like and milking a goat without milk to demand $ 33 for the little fan. I changed the fan on my DJI Mavic Pro. If I don't remember wrong, a brand new cost little under $6 including shipping from China.

Unfortunately, I do not know the dimensions of the fan that sits in Anafi. Parrot gives 1 year warranty on their products so maybe you should let them change the fan instead ?

Regards, Leif.
I contacted them and asked if they could send me the fan. since its a little less than a month old. I cant risk sending a brand new drone off for such a stupid little repair when I can do it in under 5 minutes. ( Iphone 6 screen repairs 10 to 15 minutes (iknow my **** ;) ) so yeah if they can send me the fan then im all good but I dont want them to do the old switcharoo like other tech companies do and send me out a refurb instead of doing the repair. its not that I dont trust them its just that I trust them less than I trust myself. same kinda situation if I was a pro auto mechanic and I needed to replace the fan.... why let some do it when I know without a doubt the quality of my work. congrats on getting uber cheap on the Mavic parts.... thats about the only thing cheap with them lol. if they do in fact send me out a fan .... I will create a post with the exact dimensions and specs and possibly a link to a few sources.
I contacted them and asked if they could send me the fan. since its a little less than a month old. I cant risk sending a brand new drone off for such a stupid little repair when I can do it in under 5 minutes. ( Iphone 6 screen repairs 10 to 15 minutes (iknow my **** ;) ) so yeah if they can send me the fan then im all good but I dont want them to do the old switcharoo like other tech companies do and send me out a refurb instead of doing the repair. its not that I dont trust them its just that I trust them less than I trust myself. same kinda situation if I was a pro auto mechanic and I needed to replace the fan.... why let some do it when I know without a doubt the quality of my work. congrats on getting uber cheap on the Mavic parts.... thats about the only thing cheap with them lol. if they do in fact send me out a fan .... I will create a post with the exact dimensions and specs and possibly a link to a few sources.

I had mine apart today. Trying to read the small print I got this information

Model JDH2006S
DC5V 0.12A

Tried searching for it and all my searches are in Chinese but one search had these measurements.
20x20x6 mm

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Just an update guys. Contacting Parrot was kind of a joke. since they dont actually sell parts I would have eventually had to send my Anafi in for a 3 minute fan swap. Which I refuse to do. I contacted JSL and they have a minimum order quantity of 1000 at $2.25 a fan ! so the ones for sale on Amazon is a total butt rape ! I asked JSL for 3 samples of the fan and then sent them right out. I paid nothing !!! Why cant Parrot be like all the others and sell parts to those of us that have brains so we can fix our **** !!!! any way problem solved for free .... NO THANKS TO PARROT ! just ask for a sample or 2 and they will send them out to you. they will only ship out a maximum of 4 samples so dont get greedy. in the future I might see about converting the tiny fan to a 25x25x10 just so I can skirt tail this Greedy monopoly ! either that or bite the bullet buy the 1000 fans and sell them for cost plus a buck or 2. there is no reason what so ever these fans should cost any more than $6 or $7. Have a blessed day guys I hope this post helps someone out.

Just an update guys. Contacting Parrot was kind of a joke. since they dont actually sell parts I would have eventually had to send my Anafi in for a 3 minute fan swap. Which I refuse to do. I contacted JSL and they have a minimum order quantity of 1000 at $2.25 a fan ! so the ones for sale on Amazon is a total butt rape ! I asked JSL for 3 samples of the fan and then sent them right out. I paid nothing !!! Why cant Parrot be like all the others and sell parts to those of us that have brains so we can fix our **** !!!! any way problem solved for free .... NO THANKS TO PARROT ! just ask for a sample or 2 and they will send them out to you. they will only ship out a maximum of 4 samples so dont get greedy. in the future I might see about converting the tiny fan to a 25x25x10 just so I can skirt tail this Greedy monopoly ! either that or bite the bullet buy the 1000 fans and sell them for cost plus a buck or 2. there is no reason what so ever these fans should cost any more than $6 or $7. Have a blessed day guys I hope this post helps someone out.


Could you leave a link that you used to get your samples
I realise this is an old thread. But...
Just bought a Parrot Anafi from Amazon on a cheap deal.
Fired it up and it was lovely and quiet. In Hindsight, too quiet.

I have flown it for 3 days, and yesterday it made a squealing noise.

Having had one a while ago, I looked underneath this morning and there is a hole where the fan is supposed to go. Oh, Dear. How did I miss that?

So it looks like this will have to be returned.

Not having much luck with Parrot Drones. The last one I bought was just before the new rules came in place a year ago and that one had an artifact image issue.

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