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Anafi Pro Video Settings


Oct 26, 2019
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Hi Guys,
Not sure if anyone can help me, as I'm experimenting with the Pro video settings on my Anafi. I'm trying to achieve the 100 ISO - 1/50th sec Shutter speed (filming at 24fps - non HDR) and obtain proper motion blur?
The Pro settings seems to give me the options to change the above ISO/Shutter Speed settings, but then the Exposure Value greys out - I assumed that this value (if it does in fact update itself dynamically?), would then help select an appropriate ND filters to apply to the lens? Perhaps I'm missing something here, or the EV does not update (and the control is only adjustable in Auto mode as a manual override)?
This current situation then relies purely on the use of the Histogram as the main way to set the correct exposure (possibly by making minor adjustments to the manual settings)? Am I right in this?
I ask all this, as my other drone (Mavic) auto-updates the EV value in the Go4 app - so, if you have a +2.0 EV you have a rough idea of the filter you need apply (ND4 in this instance)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EV adjustment - in effects is biasing the automatic exposure.

So for example if the auto setting thinks the correct exposure is ISO 100, shutter 1/250.

You then set the EV to -1, you are asking the auto setting to underexpose by 1 stop (vs what it thinks it should be!), so the resulting exposure will ISO 100, shutter 1/500.

Once you set the shutter or iso to manual - the EV setting is disabled as you are setting exposure yourself.
EV adjustment - in effects is biasing the automatic exposure.

So for example if the auto setting thinks the correct exposure is ISO 100, shutter 1/250.

You then set the EV to -1, you are asking the auto setting to underexpose by 1 stop (vs what it thinks it should be!), so the resulting exposure will ISO 100, shutter 1/500.

Once you set the shutter or iso to manual - the EV setting is disabled as you are setting exposure yourself.
Many thanks for replying
I had a feeling the EV control was an override to the auto setting , as it didn't adjust after making manual changes to SS and ISO.
Shame this doesn't update to what it thinks the actual EV is, given the manual adjustments, as this would help fine tune things. I guess I just thought most basic DSLR cameras had this feature so why not a drone's camera?
Well I generally manually set the ISO and WB, and leave the Shutter on AUTO - which works for me.

You could always use the histogram and adjust the SS yourself.
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Well I generally manually set the ISO and WB, and leave the Shutter on AUTO - which works for me.

You could always use the histogram and adjust the SS yourself.
Thanks again for your suggestions - I'll try that myself!
Well I generally manually set the ISO and WB, and leave the Shutter on AUTO - which works for me.

You could always use the histogram and adjust the SS yourself.

Especially when you know that your subject is the open horizon and the terrain and with every movement of the plane or from the gimbal, the light conditions change dramatically and immediately.
As a result, shutter speed requirements change rapidly.
Manual adjustments are only meaningful for taking a photo.
For video things are completely different.
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