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Anafi range issue - Samsung S7


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Oct 12, 2018
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Has anyone had range issues using free flight 6 on a Samsung Galaxy S7. It didn't seem to be the best device with the Anafi as it doesn't offer flexibility with the network. I've tried every perceivable option with phone and controller configuration but do not get any love. Range is 60-80m at best. It is causing no end of frustration.
Has anyone had range issues using free flight 6 on a Samsung Galaxy S7. It didn't seem to be the best device with the Anafi as it doesn't offer flexibility with the network. I've tried every perceivable option with phone and controller configuration but do not get any love. Range is 60-80m at best. It is causing no end of frustration.

You're not alone mate. I was getting 20-30m at best on 2.4 before a "strong interference warning" as 5.8 FakeGPS wasn't working for me. I kept going and the signal came back though and managed over 1.5kms. get a wifi band scanner and manually select the least occupied channel. You'll still get an initial interference warning but it seems to get better as the Anafi moves further away.
You're not alone mate. I was getting 20-30m at best on 2.4 before a "strong interference warning" as 5.8 FakeGPS wasn't working for me. I kept going and the signal came back though and managed over 1.5kms. get a wifi band scanner and manually select the least occupied channel. You'll still get an initial interference warning but it seems to get better as the Anafi moves further away.
Thanks for the response. Good to know I'm not alone. So is the WiFi band scanner an app you download. I've stayed away from the fake gps as I've noticed a lot of people saying it doesn't work.
If you only reach a distance of 30m or even 80m on 2.4 GHz, then there are probably technical problems with your Anafi and/or SC3.
You should exchange the bird!
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Has anyone had range issues using free flight 6 on a Samsung Galaxy S7. It didn't seem to be the best device with the Anafi as it doesn't offer flexibility with the network. I've tried every perceivable option with phone and controller configuration but do not get any love. Range is 60-80m at best. It is causing no end of frustration.

How does the phone limit the range? The connection is between the SC3 and the Anafi. :unsure:. When you say 80m is range "at best" is the drone initiating RTH, or is it just really bad video link? Have you tried pushing through past 80m? I linked a video from Dustin Dunhill on YouTube doing a range test, the Anafi had real signal issues as it passed over a housing estate but once through it went out to 3km +.
How does the phone limit the range? The connection is between the SC3 and the Anafi. :unsure:. When you say 80m is range "at best" is the drone initiating RTH, or is it just really bad video link? Have you tried pushing through past 80m? I linked a video from Dustin Dunhill on YouTube doing a range test, the Anafi had real signal issues as it passed over a housing estate but once through it went out to 3km +.
I get a poor WiFi error coming up as soon as the drone is about 20m away and the furthest I've been able to get it before RTH initiates is about 80m. This is in both a suburban area and a rural area. All with the phone in airplane mode.
Then either your anafi or controller is defective. Nothing to do with the phone.
In an open area i get around 1000-1200m range but in built up areas its around 100-200m max. i'm using a Samsung S6.
I get a poor WiFi error coming up as soon as the drone is about 20m away and the furthest I've been able to get it before RTH initiates is about 80m. This is in both a suburban area and a rural area. All with the phone in airplane mode.

Best transmission for distance in the 2.4ghz range is going to be using the SC3 vs your cell phone, especially in an urban area where there's more interference.
I live in a suburban area of Chicago and routinely get about 800 to 900 meters in the suburbs and 1500 meters in the semi rural areas. I use 5 ghz channel 157 and usually have my device in airplane mode (although I have forgotten to do that a couple of times but it does not seem to make a difference) I am happy with these distances.

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