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anafi turning on its own


Jan 7, 2019
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hello does any one know how to fix this problem im getting when i take off and hovering my anafi starts to turn slowly like the 360 spin to the right is it a calibration issue or propella fix can some one help please thanks
Are all your motors spinning equally? Check them by hand with power off and see if they all feel the same freedom of spinning with equal slowdown from the magnets. Nothing should be “sticky” or “crunchy” and when turned slowly by fingers, there should be no spots that feel harder to spin past then another.

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all motors are the same i flew it yesterday and clipped my wall ever so soft do you think i would need to change the propella as it has the slightest dent in it i mean like a slightest its so so small i just didn't think that would affect it
Shouldn’t the internal compass compensate any unintentional turning? Even if one motor would indeed be slower than others, the sensors would register incorrect positioning and just compensate line they do with wind
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After re-reading your post the first thing I would do is change out that blade. Might not be a big problem but why take a chance of it breaking later on. As suggested do a good calibration as that bump with the wall might have set something out of calibration.
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I believe that you can get strange movement if the GPS North and the compass North, allowing for the declination between magnetic and frue North, do not line up. In the past this has caused a "toilet bowl effect" but it can manifest itself in other ways.

It may not be the cause of the problem but at least then it can be discounted.
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thanks guy going to give all ur ideas ago and see if they work at work atm so will let you know around 7pm uk time

thanks guys ryan
Was it rotating on its own before that little bump with the wall? Or did that behavior show after? Compass is most likely not the culprit but a good calibration outside in a very open area with no metal around could help. Lastly, consider a lift off and hover just using the app without the controller to eliminate any false yaw signal from the left stick perhaps not being calibrated. The gimbals on there are not exactly pro but they do seem well protected and I’ve yet to experience any issues with the sticks that plague some higher end controllers. That being said, a little dirt in there impeding yaw signal for zero axis center can cause slow spinning in hover in the direction of the side that’s not “seeing” center.

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it started after the little bump i mean like it skimmed the wall not hard at all so that why im kinda confused to what its doing ahaha but going to give all your guys advice after work and hopefully will be able to fix the problem
but on a plus side any one got any goo shots on the 360 pan yet gave that ago the other day and got a alright result just need to get to grips with it any tips on photography what looks good and what dont
Personally, I don’t like those globe shots most of the time. I rather use them to generate a cropped pano out of them which I can rearrange to get the desired shot. But what looks good are for example big objects which stand out on those globe images. Like a big tower next to your drone which leads to a globe image that looks like a small earth with the tower/object sitting on top
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yeah i was thinking that might go to a forest when its really sunny and then see what i can get as seen some images on google that gave me ideas because ATM im just flying for the fun and exploring abandoned buildings ATM would like to get some shots of mother nature ahaha
and does any one know a good make for lenses for the camera or dont you lot recommend them as seen a lot of videos on you tube of different lenses
thanks Ryan
I’m never used them. Neither on my old drone or the Anafi. I know that some swear on them especially for the shutter speed rule (for the Anafi that would be 1/60 shutterspeed if I am correct). Under a normal sunny day you would need to use an ND filter to achieve this otherwise the image would be to bright. I never tried that so far and would recommend getting the hang of your drone and it’s setting before going for filters.

But if anyone has some experience with the theoretical perfect shutterspeed setting: does it really make such a positive difference? Is it really desirable for landscape videos to introduce the „natural blur“ you get with this setting?
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As far as I can ascertain the 180 degree shutter rule is more guidance than a hard and fast rule. It states that the shutter speed should be 1/twice the frame rate e.g for 30fps the "ideal" shutter speed should be 1/60 second. Action scenes may need a faster shutter speed and romantic scenes may need a slower one to blur the action. I am thinking about buying some ND filters for my Anafi for my upcoming holiday in Australia where it can be very bright. However I will be taking holiday memories and not commercial movies so the extra time spent sorting out which filter to use may not be worth it. I am sure that my friends and family will not be too critical of my lack of cinematic experience. I also do not use ND filters on my Panasonic Bridge Camera, Olfi action camera or phone and those videos turn out OK in my opinion.
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