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Anafi way too over-exposed on the first record


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2019
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Phoenix, AZ , USA
I decided to post an example of the concern I am having with the Anafi over-exposing ontake-off and record.
The video is VERY overexposed and will stay like that until I stop and then restart the recording.
I use the same settings on the drone so that doesn't change.
The first part of this video is upon initial take-off and recording. The second part is the same area but AFTER I stopped recording and re-started. When this happens ( too bright) the "Zebra Stripes" for the overexpose warning take up most of the screen.
I am feeling this has happened since the latest update.

Anybody else seen this?

I shoot manual exposure and DNG. For stills I shoot -1.25 EV so as not to blow out the highlights. Video I shoot Cinema log and -1 EV. Only recently started shooting manual but all my video and stills have been overexposed since I bought Anafi last August. Wish I had started manual exposure a long time ago, it is not I think anything new.
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This is interesting! I'd love to know the specifics of how you are capturing footage, so it can be compared to other ways the Anafi is being used by people.

With my photography using the Anafi, I am using the following settings:
  • DNG, Natural, Manual WB (according to light conditions), ISO 100, Shutter Speed 1/3 of a stop lower than needed (based on histogram/blinkies/zebras)

For my video:
  • Standard 4K, 25 fps, Natural, Manual WB (according to light conditions), ISO 100, 1/50 achieved by using the needed ND filter so that it is slightly underexposed. I have ND 8, 16, 32 & a variable that goes up to roughly 64. The variable is extremely handy for getting 1/50 shutter speeds & slightly underexposed levels.

Of course, even with working manually like this, Mother Nature has her own ideas with fluctuating light & moving cloud! :unsure:
I believe that it is a bug with either the drone or the app. I didn't touch anything to "lock" the exposure on either recording...It just records way too exposed at first ( like I set it that way) and goes back to "normal" after just stopping/restarting...Again not changing anything in the settings or exposure.

I just did a reset on the Anfi and the first trial after that was OK...Fingers crossed!

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