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Animated Panorama (Pano Pic to Sphere to fly-into the Picture Video)


Jan 26, 2019
Reaction score
Germany, Rhineland
Hello Parrot Pilots :-)

Spend hours looking for the right software to do the mentioned use case.
Hopefully u can give me the right hint to do what I try to do.

The Story:
I made a 360 Pano with the Anafi using its 360 function.
But now, I do not want to use the presets (tiny planet etc.).
I stitched all together using ICE (Microsoft Image Composition Editor) - the result seems to be great --> 20.480 x 13.450 Pixel and nearly 40 MB size.

What I would like to do:
With my former drone DJI Spark I was able to put the 360 Pano's to the App Theta+ from Ricoh.
With that its possible to define a "path" through the picture, zoom out until a tiny planet, zoom in to a very detail, pan, tilt, etc. and save it as an Video export.
The Panos from Anafi are not recognized by the software - Think due to meta EXIF data (tried here some tweaks) or due to size of the JPG output.

What I'm looking for:
A software which is able to do the same as Theta+, on desktop or Android or IOS.
Will also pay for it :-) Dont look for HTML / Flash etc players to do a "clickable sightseeing tour".

Have a look to youtube for a Theata+ Demo

Would be more than glad if anybody could help me....

B I G Thanks guys.
I downloaded the PC version of the software and it loads my Anafi 360 panos no problem. I then installed the Andriod version on my phone and again it loaded the Anafi panos with no problem. These panos have been finished in the FF6 App so maybe the problem is with in the Microsoft ICE program?
Here is one I just did with the phone App uploaded to youtube.
What a relly greate picture! Silver Harbor with sunset is so nice.

Topic can be closed, root cause is ICE.
Will try to find oit why (think its the size and meta data).

Nevertheless, if anybody has ideas about desktop solutions.....

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