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Cant select 720P or shoot in 120 fps


New member
Dec 25, 2018
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Hi there, I am unable to select any frame speeds faster than 60fps and I am also not given any option other than 1080p when in high framerate mode. Am I missing something obvious as to why I cant change it?
It's Anafi and freeflight v6.1.1
Many thanks
You should be able to access all of these:

Tap the video resolution box to access the available video resolutions and tap one to select it.
Tap the fps box to access the available fps values and tap one to select it.
Tap the video settings box again to close the sub-boxes and confirm your choices.
Available video resolutions and fps values depend on the video mode you have selected:
Standard: all-round 4K, 2.7K or 1080p filming, at 24, 25 or 30fps.
Cinema: spectacular 4K cinema filming, at 24fps.
Hyperlapse: time-lapse video with a configurable speed factor (x15, x30, x60, x120, x240), in 4K, 2.7K or 1080p, exported at 24, 25 or 30fps.
Slow-Motion 1080p filming at 48, 50 or 60fps, automatically slowed down by a factor of 2 and exported at 24, 25 or 30fps.
Slow-Motion 720p filming at 96, 100 or 120fps, automatically slowed down by a factor of 4 and exported at 24, 25 or 30fps.
High-Framerate: 1080p filming at 48, 50 or 60fps (ideal for post-processing) and 720p filming at 96, 100 or 120fps.
Hi there, I am unable to select any frame speeds faster than 60fps and I am also not given any option other than 1080p when in high framerate mode. Am I missing something obvious as to why I cant change it?
It's Anafi and freeflight v6.1.1
Many thanks
Agustine told you all possible video modes.
But make a software/firmware update to FF6 6.3.2 and Anafi firmware 1.3.2 first. Then all the mentioned modes should be there.

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