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Ff mini app upside down


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2019
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Will be easy when you know how, how do I get frrpeeflight mini app to open the right way up on my iPad ?.. ( it’s 180 degrees out to all apps including FreeFlight pro)...... its doing my head in ?
Enable autorotation on your tablet. Might need to tilt it back and forth once for it to rotate...
On a lot of ipads the wifi antenna is down next to the home button on the right half of the bottom.

Is the app showing up in a way that when you hold it you aren’t covering this with your hand? GPS/cell antenna is along the entire top top of the device.
On a lot of ipads the wifi antenna is down next to the home button on the right half of the bottom.

Is the app showing up in a way that when you hold it you aren’t covering this with your hand? GPS/cell antenna is along the entire top top of the device.
On Android the app also runs only in one direction: smartphone bottom to the right side.
Ah, didn't see it was "freeflight mini". Both Pro and 6 rotate (they start upside down but then rotate correctly).
It's not a bug, it's a feature! ;)

The App knows which side of the phone it's wifi antenna is on, and rotates the screen to make sure you're operating Antenna side out. If it didn't do this your range would be seriously affected.

Solution: just turn the phone around.

Thank you all, and Flipper for a very logical answer!
Understanding the reason why it is this way stops my frustration ?

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