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galaxy s8 and bebop 2 power. Return to home not working


Dec 27, 2018
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Parrot support says this is an issue with the galaxy s8. Has anyone experienced this?
I have green gps on skycontroller and drone. when the return to home button is pressed, nothing happens.
Parrot support says this is an issue with the galaxy s8. Has anyone experienced this?
I have green gps on skycontroller and drone. when the return to home button is pressed, nothing happens.

I think i remember that you should push the RTH button on the controller for 3 seconds before RTH is executed. Remember that the next press on the RTH button during an RTH cycle stops the ongoing RTH.

Remember also that all buttons on the controller work even if you fly without FreeFlight Pro or when the APP is crashed.

Regards, Leif.
Parrot support says this is an issue with the galaxy s8.
Parrot support person you talked to was probably drunk....skycontroller 2 doesnt have gps so it uses gps of your phone/tablet,bebop has own gps....rth has nothing to with samsung in any way.....i would follow Landbo’s advice and if that doesnt work try connecting to bebop with your phone only and test RTH....if rth works with phone but not skycontroller then you have problem with skycontroller button/firmware....you can reset skycontroller and test rth.....if you hit rth using phone only and nothing happens then you have problem with bebop,i would reset bebop,calibrate and test it....good luck
Does distance have to do with any of it? How far away were you? Make sure the location is enabled. Pull down the tab thing on you phone and press the location thing if it's not blue. It looks liek a round pin.
Hi,gps or location starts automatically every time freeflight pro starts....to make sure bebop is getting right location op should hit Bebopxxxxx in upper left corner of firs screen in freeflight pro and hit Map....map should show location of bebop.....if map shows bebop to be somewhere of coast of Nigeria,dont hit rth..leave bebop outside running till you get gps
Note,there is distance limit(if i remember right),if bebop is only lets say 20 meters away from pilot rth wont work
I think i remember that you should push the RTH button on the controller for 3 seconds before RTH is executed. Remember that the next press on the RTH button during an RTH cycle stops the ongoing RTH.

Remember also that all buttons on the controller work even if you fly without FreeFlight Pro or when the APP is crashed.

Regards, Leif.
Thank you! I will try the long press on the rth button as I did not do this before. I also saw in a video that there is a green circle going around the rth icon continuously when when the drone is coming back.
Does distance have to do with any of it? How far away were you? Make sure the location is enabled. Pull down the tab thing on you phone and press the location thing if it's not blue. It looks liek a round pin.
Thank you! I will try the long press on the rth button as I did not do this before. I also saw in a video that there is a green circle going around the rth icon continuously when when the drone is coming back.
I'm close, about 100 feet from the drone. I will try the long press on the rth button. Thanks.
Every time I've lost connections with my Bebop2 I don't see the return button lighting up but my bebop2 come right back. I have the safety return set at 3 seconds. Check your settings inside the app.

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