I just wanted to share my DIY home made iPad 4 mini holder and the sun shade for the Anafi.
Some months ago, I planned to buy a Mavic Air so I got the holder for mavic Air (see below) around 20$.
Then the Anafi came (for my needs of a silent drone to fly near horses ... the choice was quickly made !)
So I cut the "wings" of the Mavic Air holder to transform it into a Anafi holder (with a neck lanyard) and adapt also a home made sun shade. Everything is foldable and lightweight so it can fit in my camera backpack...
I add 2 "scratches" to hold the Anafi support, add two wood rails for guiding reasons, screws ...
Sorry for my poor English (French guy here).
See pictures below if you need to do the same, it's an easy DIY.

I just wanted to share my DIY home made iPad 4 mini holder and the sun shade for the Anafi.
Some months ago, I planned to buy a Mavic Air so I got the holder for mavic Air (see below) around 20$.
Then the Anafi came (for my needs of a silent drone to fly near horses ... the choice was quickly made !)
So I cut the "wings" of the Mavic Air holder to transform it into a Anafi holder (with a neck lanyard) and adapt also a home made sun shade. Everything is foldable and lightweight so it can fit in my camera backpack...
I add 2 "scratches" to hold the Anafi support, add two wood rails for guiding reasons, screws ...
Sorry for my poor English (French guy here).
See pictures below if you need to do the same, it's an easy DIY.