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How do i mass export thermal data?


Aug 28, 2020
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Got this drone recently, and started working with it, i was in a workTrip last week , made 1042 "thermal" images.
Then i explorted them on my Phone, and try'ed to get Thermal data from it.
But i figured out that to obtain this "Thermal" data, i need to export it from visible Image 1 by 1, all 1042 times.

What i missing? Is there a way to MassExport thermal images from the drone\freeFlight app?

the thought of exporting one thermal photo at a time ... scares me more than hell


p.s.: pardon me for my english, not my main language ^_^
hm... are we speaking about same drone? i will recheck it in next few days, but when i try proceed data from FlirOne pro > FlirTools open it like an image and where Temperature data must be shown i see only RGB 0-255 data... i will recheck anyway!
Anafi thermal ? Yes.
In FLIR tools you tell it where the batch folder is and then drop all the files in there, it will then populate FLaIR tools with all the images you took, you can then click on each as do as required
Anafi thermal ? Yes.
In FLIR tools you tell it where the batch folder is and then drop all the files in there, it will then populate FLaIR tools with all the images you took, you can then click on each as do as required
It actually not Anafi thermal)) >>> its Bebop-Pro Thermal *(https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1395694-REG/parrot_pf726420_bebop_pro_thermal_drone.html) this one
Actually i think this drone was made as a 1day job and nobody even thinked about doing any software for processing the images it makes.
Sadly... Parrot did something with the files and even Flir software cannot do anything with results from the drone. It just do not see the files
Is the Be-Bop thermal radiometric? If not then you won't extract any info like you can with the Anafi thermal.

How big are the thermal images you have? The anafi ones are around 4Mb unlike the mavic 2 ent dual which are around 700kB and thats not radiometric, hence the small file size.
They most likely not radiometric, 1mb or so is the size of each file.

Since i have the apportunity - whats better anafi or dji mavic enterprise with thermal camera, was your words mean that dji mavic enterprise does not suppport radiometric thermal camera?

P.s. i use simple Fluke ti110 thermal imager and after i can just export thermal data in txt for example
Did you check out this post?

Did you check out this post?

Hm, no... Gonna do so now
The big problem is in coordinates of file, yes i have gps data in feature of visivle image, but when i export it in thermal - it all get lost in process
Anyway reading thread you provided now, thank you

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