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Is there windows desktop sofftware for Flight Plan ?.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2019
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I'm just curious if flight plan's can be made on a windows desktop (without android emulators).
I like the app for filming, but its not that easy to maniplulate complex flights with it.

Also has anyone found a way to externally edit those plans, cause i'd like to mix blender (spline camera paths) with drone control, result should be super if i can control a camera like in blender (and if not ok i'll dig into it when the sdk becomes ready).
I was thinking about trying to create a simple web application to create plans and export them as a .json file, building on the Negative POI workaround. The main features would be circles, curves, custom shapes and negative heights. I haven't quite cracked what all the keys in the plan mean though.
I was thinking about trying to create a simple web application to create plans and export them as a .json file, building on the Negative POI workaround. The main features would be circles, curves, custom shapes and negative heights. I haven't quite cracked what all the keys in the plan mean though.

Ah another developer ;)
I was thinking of using blender to create curved splines overlay a googlemap bitmap.
And convert the spline into lines using blender.
So one could create 'beatifull' flight path's existing of only smooth turns.
Would be great to have a real camera that can behave the same like a virtual blender camera ( to mix 3D content and real content ).

For final 3D production shot animation the 3D camera position has to be reconstructed from real movie because of windsheer (but blender can do that allready)
It would be however then possible to animate first in 3D a camera path, then fly it in real, and convert the flight to real 3d positions, where it can be mixed with 3d content.
I think that be super cool.

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