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ND 1000 filters in Europe


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Mar 15, 2019
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I have been trying to find ND 1000 filter to use on Anafi for long exposure still photography. Anyone know where I can get these in Europe/UK?
Freewell is the only one that has them that I know of but I do not see them in stock. Maybe email Freewel and see if they still have them. I have one in my filter case but have yet too use it.
Thanks Agustine. I will mail them - let me know if you decide to lighten your filter case and want to sell me yours ;-)
I don't know that I'd bother with one, unless you were using the Anafi sitting on something & not in the air. If you had a shutter speed of say 1/1250 that would then equate to a 0.8 second long exposure, which the Anafi just isn't that stable to achieve a crisp image, unless it's not flying.

If you did work with it stationary, I would suspect you'd achieve some quite good DNG images, if the glass of the filter wasn't producing too strong a colour cast, but that can always be minimised in post-production.
Up date straight from a very fast replying Freewell - ND1000 has been discontinued by us long ago for Anafi as results are not good on Anafi for this filter, We want to make the product which you actually use & share the content.
Guess I am now looking for a ND64 and getting up earlier
Up date straight from a very fast replying Freewell - ND1000 has been discontinued by us long ago for Anafi as results are not good on Anafi for this filter, We want to make the product which you actually use & share the content.
Guess I am now looking for a ND64 and getting up earlier

It's probably almost impossible to getting a good results, no matter what drone you use with the ND 1000. I have a ND 400 for my DJI P4A but have never been able to do anything I am happy with.

An alternative method would be to take many pictures of the subject and merge/stack the images. Then one also avoids that the things that do not move become blurred.

Regards, Leif.
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It's probably almost impossible to getting a good results, no matter what drone you use with the ND 1000. I have a ND 400 for my DJI P4A but have never been able to do anything I am happy with.

An alternative method would be to take many pictures of the subject and merge/stack the images. Then one also avoids that the things that do not move become blurred.

Regards, Leif.
Will be trying the stacking method, thanks for the idea.
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