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New owner - First Drone


Oct 22, 2018
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Hi all,

I have ordered my Anafi and it's arriving on Monday (UK user).

Never had a Drone before and was wondering if any user's can provide any tips in advance?


Start with a location with no obstacles to hit and of course good weather.

In the UK the Introduction - Dronesafe is useful plus their app for information on no flying zones.

I also use the UAV Forecast app which has the weather and information about other ground hazards zones.

I also put dymo tape labels around the joysticks to make it easier to remember which one does what.

Stay safe.

P.S. The provided memory card is not big enough to video a complete flight in the default 4K mode.
Good choice and welcome to drones! Minimum 32Gb, but as big as possible. 4K eats up the space and needs a fast write-speed too. See the recommendations in the manual.
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Hi all,

I have ordered my Anafi and it's arriving on Monday (UK user).

Never had a Drone before and was wondering if any user's can provide any tips in advance?



Launch from an area not near large masses of ferrous metal. Be aware that concrete generally has steel reinforcement in it, so avoid concrete. Stay away from power lines and transformers. If you have a phone on you, put it in airplane mode or turn it off.

Otherwise, it's super easy to fly out of the box, so have fun!
I'd suggest sticking in film mode at first, but be aware it is slow to turn. Fly in a large open space without any obstructions and take off with the rear of the Anafi towards you. That way it's easier to orientate as pushing the right stick forward makes it go forward, stick left and it goes left etc. If you get confused, let go of the sticks and it will hover and give you time to get sorted out. If you get too close to something turn the nose to the obstruction if possible, and draw back on the right stick to reverse away. Sometimes going up will take you out of harm's way. Keep well within line of sight to begin with and I'd avoid big altitudes until you are confident in the controls and reliability of the drone. There are ways to deal with loss of orientation providing you can see the drone, but that is perhaps for another time. Good luck!
Ok, I have received my new Anafi. Have got everything charged and run through initial setup and updates. Have tested the flight options and noticed that the 'NO SD' card is showing in btm right-hand corner.

I have purchased a Samsung Ultra 128gb micro sd. Any ideas as to why it's not showing as mounted??


On your PC, load the card, right click on it and select format. When the menu box pops up, select Fat32.
I think you can also do it on the drone, but you'd have to search the options as I can't remember where to look.
Ok all sorted.

1st flight in a field over. At one point the drone landed and refused to restart. Had to turn the drone off and on again to regain control apart from that I have broken my virginity!
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