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PolarPro ND8 On The Anafi


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2018
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Ontario Canada
Have a set of PolarPro filters from my Yuneec CGO3 camera. The ND4 is at the bottom of a river along with the quad so I still have this ND8 and a ND16. Four dabs of hotglue on the out rim of the filter and it fits nice and snug on the Anafi camera. You do have to let the camera boot up first as the filter ring is to large for the camera's rotation but once on it works just fine. Not sure just how much I will use it but its another option I now have.
To windy today for a test flight but hopefully tomorrow.




Johnathan over at Dirty J Designs is working on a 3d printed ND set for the Anafi, he is just waiting on supplier to supply the lens(s), bought a Mini 4 adapter from him, fits perfectly and can even close the controller without interference.
Yes I am very active over on that forum also. Don't like his 3D printed ring. Looks way to heavy and sloppy. I also have his adapter and kick out for my tablet which is great. Some of us have been in contact with polarpro and requested they start making filters for the Anafi. The more people who email them the better the chances are they will produce a set. They need to be small enough for the camera on startup as the camera does some wild turning on start up.

Here is my first short test flight. ND8 fliter. It helped with lens flare in direct sunlight but a ND16 would have been better.
Nothing special but I did a short test of the PolarPro ND8 filter this morning. Wanted to test more but two bald eagles decided to start circling above the Anafi so i decided to give them the sky so I did not lose me Anafi
:) All in all the filter work good. You have to install after the camera has initiated as the filter ring is to large to rotate all the way around with the camera on start up. This was a filter from the Yuneec CGO3 camera. The camera had no problem tilting up or down. It did seem to help out with lens flare in direct sunlight. Need more testing but so far I like it.

The "way to heavy and sloppy." DirtyJ ND filter. ;) We'll be testing later this week and hope to have them available sometime next week.View attachment 31
Was your supplier able to come with an assortment of ND lens's, I Typically use ND 8's thru 32's depending on how close I am to the subject I want to induce the blur and/or lengthen the exposure.
Was your supplier able to come with an assortment of ND lens's, I Typically use ND 8's thru 32's depending on how close I am to the subject I want to induce the blur and/or lengthen the exposure.

They do have somewhat different stock from the norm. So initially its looking like we'll have ND filters in 3 options. Aprox 8-32... i've attached the available options from our supplier.. I am researching more suppliers, such as hoya, to see if we could some more standard filter ranges.


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They do have somewhat different stock from the norm. So initially its looking like we'll have ND filters in 3 options. Aprox 8-32... i've attached the available options from our supplier.. I am researching more suppliers, such as hoya, to see if we could some more standard filter ranges.
Japans 13, 25 & 50 would work for me as well.
The "way to heavy and sloppy." DirtyJ ND filter. ;) We'll be testing later this week and hope to have them available sometime next week.View attachment 31
The way 3D printers print with lines of plastic your photo does not look smooth which I understand. It also makes it look larger then it should be but we have gone over this on facebook and it is not. The real test will be the final product and weight but as you said on facebook you think yours is going to be lighter then the store bought one. Hopefully you are right and the glass is as good quality as what polarpro uses. I actually think Freewell will come out with a filter before all of them.
The way 3D printers print with lines of plastic your photo does not look smooth which I understand. It also makes it look larger then it should be but we have gone over this on facebook and it is not. The real test will be the final product and weight but as you said on facebook you think yours is going to be lighter then the store bought one. Hopefully you are right and the glass is as good quality as what polarpro uses. I actually think Freewell will come out with a filter before all of them.

I'm all for standard ND manufacturers like polarpro releasing ND for the Anafi. They make great products and I'd be happy to own theirs. I am concerned about some of the numbers i'm seeing on the Anafi groups. This is a fantastic drone that i'm falling more and more in love with every day. And this is after owning the phantom 3, the mavic, the spark, and the inspire raw. I am just loving the simplicity of of the anafi compared to the overly complicated DJI gear. Anyways back to my point, the mavic group on facebook has 40,000 members. The largest anafi group has 800 and the numbers have barely moved in the past few days. Thats alarming when its a new release that should have hundreds of new members a day. My worry is that there won't be enough demand to get traditional product suppliers to enter the market. Hence i've started moving forward with an ND option. Hopefully i'm wrong and the brilliance of the anafi gets out there and everyone jumps on board to make accessories, but time will tell!
Have a set of PolarPro filters from my Yuneec CGO3 camera. The ND4 is at the bottom of a river along with the quad so I still have this ND8 and a ND16. Four dabs of hotglue on the out rim of the filter and it fits nice and snug on the Anafi camera. You do have to let the camera boot up first as the filter ring is to large for the camera's rotation but once on it works just fine. Not sure just how much I will use it but its another option I now have.
To windy today for a test flight but hopefully tomorrow.
Great heads up. Thank you. I just ordered the pack from PolarPro. I’m leaving for Iceland on the 6th, so I can’t wait for them to release a filter set fitted for Anafi.

Any tips on the best way to fit them? Are you satisfied with your 3 dobbs of hot glue? Any other ideas? I was thinking a rubber band to use as a spacer. Plus some scotch tape to keep it in place.
Great heads up. Thank you. I just ordered the pack from PolarPro. I’m leaving for Iceland on the 6th, so I can’t wait for them to release a filter set fitted for Anafi.

Any tips on the best way to fit them? Are you satisfied with your 3 dobbs of hot glue? Any other ideas? I was thinking a rubber band to use as a spacer. Plus some scotch tape to keep it in place.

I thought about a spacer but really not that much room. I only tried them once or twice and do not recommend them as a solution. I have ordered the Freewell ones but they will be a while getting to Canada.
The dabs of hot glue worked pretty good and they never fell off but these are a lot larger then needed.
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Actually you said rain........well I had a Flight Plan made up from today and planned on going to a place 30 miles away but on the way a freak storm hit with hale and very strong winds. So I just gave up and turned around to come home and drink beer :)

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