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Return to home not working after update to latest firmware


Dec 30, 2018
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When pressing the RTH-button my Anafi turns its head to the starting point and descends where it is and stays hovering 1m above ground. Both GPS symbols are green, before starting and stay green during the flights. This behavior started a on the third flight after updating to the latest firmware. Distance I pressed RTH was about 30m from starting point.
I then did a reset on the drone and controller, uninstalled the app, deleted all remainders and installed it again. The behavior stays the same. Pressing the RTH-button invokes landing instead of returning, no matter what distance from home point, which could be quite dangerous in some situations (trees, bushes, water etc).
Has anybody had the same experience and solved it?
Any help on this would be appreciated.
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I have not used it but I don't think it actually lands just returns to the location it took off.

To bring back to its take-off position, press the button on your Parrot
Skycontroller 3, or tap the icon on the screen of your device.
Anafi rises to 30 meters over its take-off point – or to the altitude you have set,
through FreeFlight 6, between 20 and 100 meters – and flies back over its take-off
Thank You,
But pressing the (correct) button made the Anafi descend immediatly, no rising nor returning to take-off position. It almost landed in a tree - but I took over control manually to prevent that.
Thank You,
But pressing the (correct) button made the Anafi descend immediatly, no rising nor returning to take-off position. It almost landed in a tree - but I took over control manually to prevent that.
You should use RTH from higher distances. 20..30m from takeoff point could be too near.
Distance was 46m. I measured it on Google Maps right now. I will test it again on a place without obstacles when it is less windy. I'm afraid of unpredictable behavior, like losing connection and then crashing the drone.
Start over. Do another compass calibration in a open place away from any metal. A open field would be best. Re-set you RTH height to what you want. When taking off make sure you wait for the precise return to home pop up has been displayed and test it again.
I had a similar problem during the last flight. The distance to Anafi is 184 meters. The drone did not execute the return home command, it hung in the air until I returned it myself.
Before takeoff, I turned on airplane mode on my phone, the preloaded map of the area was not displayed. I think the reason for this. I'll check when the wind stops
The GPS sign was green on the drone and controller.

On the video from 7 to 30 seconds, the drone receives several commands "return home"
The "return home" command appears on the phone screen for a few seconds and disappears.

I took my new Anafi out today in a large open field to play with different features. At the end of my flight, I pushed the Return to Home feature on my controller. It did not return to the takeoff point, but to a totally separate point. The only thing I can think is that while testing the Follow Me feature, I walked to a completely different location. During this, the FreeFlight 6 app froze, and I needed to quit and restart the app. I continued the flight and had walked back to the originating point before the end. I believe it returned to that location I was at when I had to quit and restart the app. Does this make sense? Would the Return to Home location be reset upon the restarting of the app?
I could not test it again for a long time, because it was too windy here, but now that I could test on several flights, RTH seems to be working again without any problems.
I did a hard reset on everything (including batteries) and bought a new phone with more RAM. One strange thing though is, that the flights with unsuccessful RTHs are the only ones without a log file.

Thank you all for helping me.
I think in the manual it say that when you’re follow me, it will return to you Controller instead to take of point.
Today again strange behavior concerning RTH. After the drone returned very precisely and was hovering over the landing pad, I pressed the landing button. It landed but did not turn off motors and was hopping on the pad for 20 seconds before shutting down the motors.
I have had that happen twice. Never figured out why it did it. Kind of freaks you out when it does.
Maybe the ground (pad on soft moist grass) was too soft and the responsible sensor did not take it for a landing.
I will try it out again ...
Today again strange behavior concerning RTH. After the drone returned very precisely and was hovering over the landing pad, I pressed the landing button. It landed but did not turn off motors and was hopping on the pad for 20 seconds before shutting down the motors.
I had same problem but i was landing on iced snow.
About RTH, a friend reported that if you loose connection (in CE mode it' s quite easy) the drone head to the take off position, but when It get the connection again set a new precise home (on the screen the message). This make it to halt and hover at the "old" RTH height waiting for land command.
I do some tests about this next weekend.
I experienced RTH reset sometimes when altitude is low.

If you see a green popup that says rth something, that point is your new rth.
I got a brand new replacement of the Anafi yesterday. The old one has the same RTH problem as decribed above, where it does not use the take off position to return home. When I punch the RTH more then 100 feets away, it just drop to about 10 feet where the drone location is. It never attempted to fly back to the take off spot. I spend hours with support on the first drone RTH issue, and we both decided I need to return the first drone. The new one works great, if the altitude is below the min height, it will fly up to the min height, turn to the home location and fly home, and drop to about 10 feet. If I used the follow me, the home location is changed to where I stop using follow me. Not sure I like or dislike this. It maybe useful if there is a button to mark the home location before fly the drone away without the need to land it and take off again.

I have not see the "Precise Home Location Set" message with the latest App or firmware. Has anyone else see this message after the drone takes off?
I got a brand new replacement of the Anafi yesterday. The old one has the same RTH problem as decribed above, where it does not use the take off position to return home. When I punch the RTH more then 100 feets away, it just drop to about 10 feet where the drone location is. It never attempted to fly back to the take off spot. I spend hours with support on the first drone RTH issue, and we both decided I need to return the first drone. The new one works great, if the altitude is below the min height, it will fly up to the min height, turn to the home location and fly home, and drop to about 10 feet. If I used the follow me, the home location is changed to where I stop using follow me. Not sure I like or dislike this. It maybe useful if there is a button to mark the home location before fly the drone away without the need to land it and take off again.

I have not see the "Precise Home Location Set" message with the latest App or firmware. Has anyone else see this message after the drone takes off?
I have not see the "Precise Home Location Set" message with the latest App or firmware. Has anyone else see this message after the drone takes off?
I have same problem, before RTH was really great and works correct, with the last update no more Precise Home Location message, what can we do?
Waiting for a new update or send back my drone?
I returned my first one which was a refurbish and it (only 90 days warranty. I ended up pay more to get a new one (with 2 years warranty) and the RTH worked fine.

Parrot should be able to improve the App and firmware, there are still other issues need more software improvements. Overall, it is a nice drone for me. Note that software fix only works assuming there is no hardware issues. This is why I returned my first one, and got a brand new one.
I get the Precise Home Location Set on the newest update with RC or just the phone and App.
Humm, I have not see this message on two different Anafi drones. I am using V9 Android cell phone OnePlus 5T. What type of cell phone and version of the OS you use to run the App? Parrot support try to have me test this with a different cell phone, but I dont have another phone to test. I wonder Parrot App has issues with different versions of the Android OS.

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