Everything was working just fine. Now the wifi won't connect to the phone or the controller. I just get "Authentication" and then it defaults to my home connection. Tried a different phone etc, no luck. Any ideas?
Give this a try. Here is the hard reset procedure for ANAFI.
1. Power ANAFI on.
2. Press the power button and keep it pressed: after approximately 8 seconds, the battery's LEDs turn on red, one after the other.
3. When the 4 LEDs are red, release the power button.
4. ANAFI reboots - a TXT file has been generated on ANAFI's microSD card, which contains ANAFI's Wi-Fi network's password; that's how you can check the hard reset has been successful.
According to Skydreamer (another user on this site)..
To do all 3 reset..
1) Plug battery into wall charger, press and hold power button for 15 seconds.
2) Reinstall the battery in the Anafi, power up, then press and hold power button for 12 seconds to do a hard reset.
3) Connect phone to controller and it should open up freeflight 6, once the controller and the drone have connected, hit the Drone icon to the left of the SD card icon, in the next screen you will see map and numbers below map...scroll down and you will see a hidden Factory (soft) Reset button...reset anafi and right after you will be asked to recalibrate ....if that doesnt happen automatically then go to settings/camera and attempt to recalibrate from there
Sent from my LG-H873 using Tapatalk