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Anafi you disappointed me


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2018
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Hello to me it happened the same coast bought August 8, 2018, after a week the dealer has replaced me because he lost the signal, with the second drone on September 1 I made him fly at a height of 15 meters and suddenly engines are turned off and crashed, on September 16 always at a height of 15 meters suddenly crashed the engines and the drone was damaged, Yesterday I sent the anafi to the parrot and I hope they will replace it in warranty, I am very disappointed with the anafi, if I went back I would not buy it.


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Hello to me it happened the same coast bought August 8, 2018, after a week the dealer has replaced me because he lost the signal, with the second drone on September 1 I made him fly at a height of 15 meters and suddenly engines are turned off and crashed, on September 16 always at a height of 15 meters suddenly crashed the engines and the drone was damaged, Yesterday I sent the anafi to the parrot and I hope they will replace it in warranty, I am very disappointed with the anafi, if I went back I would not buy it.

Unlucky man, do have any footage???
My Android 5.1 device, a NEVIDA Shield, works with several Parrot drones. But. It connected to the ANAFI as new out of the box. Will not connect after firmware update. Anyone else have this happen?
If the parrot replaces it in warranty I'm afraid to fly it again

I'm sorry that happened for you. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens in between as you move up into the air and hanging in four engines with props. If one stops there is only one way and that is down. What I watch in the video looks like a bug on one of your engines or engine controls. I'm pretty sure Parrot will replace your bird with a new.

Do not be afraid to fly again with Miss Anafi, as she has proven to be an incredibly stable quad without all the problems tvist and bell's you see on DJI stuff. Mine has today flown 5 missions of about 20 minutes each on a day when the wind has blown so much that she only has flew about 15 km/h in to the wind but has managed to keep the camera rock stable. I have totaled 130 missions of 20 minutes with mine without any technical problems.

You must get back to the horse when your replacement hopefully will arrive.

Good luck, regards Leif.
My Android 5.1 device, a NEVIDA Shield, works with several Parrot drones. But. It connected to the ANAFI as new out of the box. Will not connect after firmware update. Anyone else have this happen?
You should start your own thread rather than posting in the middle of an unrelated one! You might have more chance of getting a suitable reply.

Personally, I don't have that device so can't advise, though I think you would be better off contacting Parrot support.
already contacted and sent to the parrot, I just wanted to know if anyone had an experience similar to mine
If i were in your position, I would give it another shot when Parrot send you a replacment. We had similar issues with the Mavic Pro.

Some users had nothing but problems with them initially, where other users just seemed able to fly as much as they wanted without even a glitch.

Fortunately all now seems good, glitches sorted out, firmware sort of perfected (By outside means)...

You might have just got a "Friday afternoon" machine, then next one might just be the perfect one, so jump back in the saddle and give it a fair chance. (y)

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