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Bebop 2 drone tricks

Paul Galante

New member
Feb 21, 2019
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Hi my bebop 2 doesnt do tricks and i cant get the pop down screen to come up that allows you to do tricks and thjere is no one in Australia to call, can someone help with advice or a phone number to call
Hi,you can do tricks if you have Skycontroller 2,in freeflightpro hit controller icon (above fly and film),hit button mapping and in next screen you will see which buttons to press to do tricks......not being able to do tricks from screen is screw up from last year and never was fixed,if i remember right android phones have icon with tricks and ios devices have Dronies icon on the screen,android one doesnt work....only way to do tricks is trough skycontroller 2
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To be precise, if you have the skycontroller 2 you hold the B button down and use the left stick - left/right for a side flip, up/down for a front or back flip. Make sure you have enough height... you can change the button mapping if you want using skydreamer's instructions above.

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