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Bebop video’s


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Jul 21, 2019
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I’m sorry if this has been asked many times, but I can’t get to my videos that I took. I can find the location on my FreeFlightPro app . When I highlight the most recent video, I just get a black screen with media and best of options and a spinning wheel. Do I need to connect the drone to a computer? I got the drone used with two “dead” batteries (only 2 of 3 batteries inside each pack had voltage, a common problem I see on line), on a happier note, the drone is flying quite well here at the in-laws in Tennessee so I am staying occupied.
If you see that recording counter works (starts automatically when you take-off) everything is ok. After the flight you can see the thumbnails of the recorded media. You can play a video if you transfer it to your smart device first. Or, use a usb cable and connect the drone to your PC or laptop then copy the files to your desktop in order to play them.
I cant see the thumbnails. Other than it tells me I have 9 minute recordings, and the memory is full. I’ll try connecting the drone to my computer when I get home. Thanks for the response.
I propose to make a hard reset of the drone. This will also format the internal memory and delete all images and videos. Easy if you press the power button for about 10-12 seconds and leave the bebop to do the rest.
I must be doing something wrong. I pushed the power button and waited more than 10-12 seconds. The fan went on and off a few times. I fly it after doing this and I’m not getting my flight profile now either. My IPad is controlling the drone great though?.
On a different note, shouldn’t the battery turn off on my drone if I hold the battery button down for a few seconds? I usually just pull it back and disconnect it.
Push again about 12 seconds to start the reset process. After that the drone will be on. Then press the button to power it off.
Again power on and open Freeflight pro app. You have to make the settings again, also the wifi. Then check that drone memory is empty. You can fly after all!

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