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Flight plan questions


Active member
Sep 19, 2018
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Few questions before I go out and try (I'm a bit timid about losing control).
  1. Can you override the planned flight with joysticks? Just wondering in case there are unexpected obstacles or if I need to bring it down mid-flight for any reason.
  2. Will it complete the plan even if interference gets in the way of the remote and you lose signal?
  3. After the plan is complete, does it hover at the last waypoint? And then you can at that point use the controller to bring it back?
  4. Flight plan allows for basically no max altitude (basically bypassing the 492ft max alt limit)?
  5. Is there a way for the plan to stop at every waypoint so I can take a picture at every waypoint without movement?
  6. Can you override auto land or return to home? (kind of a side question)
Thanks so much!
1. Yes, you can over ride the flight plan by moving the joysticks, if you are still connected.
2. Yes, it will complete the plan if you lose connection. However it will abort the plan and return straight to home if it thinks the battery is low.
3. Mine lands at the last waypoint.
4. I stay below 400 ft., so I don't know.
5. I don't know. It probably already stops at waypoints to take photos.
6. I believe you can over ride auto land and rth.
1. Yes, you can over ride the flight plan by moving the joysticks, if you are still connected.
2. Yes, it will complete the plan if you lose connection. However it will abort the plan and return straight to home if it thinks the battery is low.
3. Mine lands at the last waypoint.
4. I stay below 400 ft., so I don't know.
5. I don't know. It probably already stops at waypoints to take photos.
6. I believe you can over ride auto land and rth.

Yikes. OK so the last waypoint has to be where you're standing, otherwise it might land away from you. Good info. Thanks!
Yikes. OK so the last waypoint has to be where you're standing, otherwise it might land away from you. Good info. Thanks!

I usually set my last waypoint 2 meters above my takeoff point. That's how the money fits on my place if miss Anafi wants to land.

It seems that Parrot did not finish their mission planner and flight missions software to fit miss Anafi, when I compare with those who are to Bebop in FreeFlight Pro. We can only hope they will finish it.

Regards Leif.
Few questions before I go out and try (I'm a bit timid about losing control).
  1. Can you override the planned flight with joysticks? Just wondering in case there are unexpected obstacles or if I need to bring it down mid-flight for any reason.
  2. Will it complete the plan even if interference gets in the way of the remote and you lose signal?
  3. After the plan is complete, does it hover at the last waypoint? And then you can at that point use the controller to bring it back?
  4. Flight plan allows for basically no max altitude (basically bypassing the 492ft max alt limit)?
  5. Is there a way for the plan to stop at every waypoint so I can take a picture at every waypoint without movement?
  6. Can you override auto land or return to home? (kind of a side question)
Thanks so much!

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes, 700 meters even more
5. Use Delay
6. I am never tried, autolanding as i know when the battery below 10% . RTH the drone will hovering 1 meter above HOME
You can access the option to toggle 'land on last way' by pressing the slider icon.

I seem to be limited to 150m though, is there an option for changing this?
You can access the option to toggle 'land on last way' by pressing the slider icon.

I seem to be limited to 150m though, is there an option for changing this?

long press and you will see altitude than you able change what high you want
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1. Yes, you can over ride the flight plan by moving the joysticks, if you are still connected.
2. Yes, it will complete the plan if you lose connection. However it will abort the plan and return straight to home if it thinks the battery is low.
3. Mine lands at the last waypoint.
4. I stay below 400 ft., so I don't know.
5. I don't know. It probably already stops at waypoints to take photos.
6. I believe you can over ride auto land and rth.
You can set it to land or hover in settings
you can go higher than 120mtrs
in the flightplan you can nominate what you want the camera to do
Does it really follow the flight plan even if connnection is lost? That would mean the flight plan is stored in the drone, not in the app/phone. Is that really the case?

I can see loosing video feed not making a difference but not control aignal.
Can confirm it will finish, although the app wrongly warns it will RTH.
I have just seen a Spark video where it was doing a Litchi mission that was point to point (not a circular route that ends at the take off location). Part way through the mission the Spark decides that it has just enough battery to get back to the take off point and goes into RTH. This is even though it was nearly at the end of the mission and did have enough battery to get to the end point. Would the Anafi exhibit the same behaviour? I know that you can cancel RTH but you need you be in range to do so. If it would RTH then is it wise only to have Flight plans that take less than half of the Anafis battery? Also if it does RTH halfway through a Flight plan the RTH altitude would need to be set high enough to avoid the highest obstacle in the area.
I've had several flight plans that the Anafi aborted and returned to home due to low battery. It would be interesting to see what the Anafi would do if presented with a linear one way flight. If unconnected, would it recognize the end point as valid or revert to the home point?
If you have it set to land at last way point it just might do it but I think because it calculates just how much battery is needed to get back to home point that would be the option it takes first. Just a guess on my part.
In the real estate videos that I've taken I didn't want to be in the shot. I like to take off away from the subject after a walk through to double check altitudes. Then I set it in hover near the first way point, start the video and initiate the program. I set it to land at a safe way point, but generally I terminate the video there and manually pilot to my location. You avoid being in the shot and you end up with much less post flight editing. As long as I'm in line of sight of the last way point, but not in the frame, it works out.
I have just seen a Spark video where it was doing a Litchi mission that was point to point (not a circular route that ends at the take off location). Part way through the mission the Spark decides that it has just enough battery to get back to the take off point and goes into RTH. This is even though it was nearly at the end of the mission and did have enough battery to get to the end point. Would the Anafi exhibit the same behaviour? I know that you can cancel RTH but you need you be in range to do so. If it would RTH then is it wise only to have Flight plans that take less than half of the Anafis battery? Also if it does RTH halfway through a Flight plan the RTH altitude would need to be set high enough to avoid the highest obstacle in the area.

I saw that video, I think the owner took some really silly risks sending a drone on a long one way flight over homes, businesses and streets. Lucky for him it landed in a parking lot but it could have come down in a traffic lane causing an accident ...
Say, does anyone know if you can transfer or sync a Flight Plan from one device to another? I have used Litchi for a couple of years and you can plan the flight on your home computer on a big monitor and then it syncs to your devices that you use to fly your drone. Very nice for detailed planning. Sure wish Parrot had something like that! (Are you listening Parrot!!!)
Say, does anyone know if you can transfer or sync a Flight Plan from one device to another? I have used Litchi for a couple of years and you can plan the flight on your home computer on a big monitor and then it syncs to your devices that you use to fly your drone. Very nice for detailed planning. Sure wish Parrot had something like that! (Are you listening Parrot!!!)

I contacted Parrot about this, and the answer is “no”. Although they can store your flight logs (with permission) which you may recover at any time, the synchronisation of flight data, a few kb at most, is not possible. Quelle dommage ...
Well, thanks for checking with Parrot. Seems to me quite a few Parrot pilots like using Flight Plan - hopefully, Parrot will consider some improvements to that feature in the future. Check out the Litchi Mission Hub to see how it works - I do all my flight plans for the DJI drones I have on Litchi - makes a big difference when you can use a mouse and a large monitor to set waypoints and points of interest. Once I complete a flight plan on Litchi and it is saved, it syncs to any device I have Litchi on. I use both a phone and a tablet for flights, so the flight plan I made on the Litchi Mission Hub appears on both, synced perfectly and ready for the flight.

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