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Hard landings


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
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Ever since the last update and Android software revision I'm finding if I'm low to the ground about a foot high and press the land button my Anafi starts desending and then just drops.. happened twice today on the same battery. Not sure why. I'm starting to wonder why i bought this drone...
Anafi is at a hight of 30cm, then starts to descend and then "drops"!?
You are talking about the last 20cm or so for the "drop"?
My bird also descends the last 20cm very fast and then lands.
Sounds normal!?
Anafi is at a hight of 30cm, then starts to descend and then "drops"!?
You are talking about the last 20cm or so for the "drop"?
My bird also descends the last 20cm very fast and then lands.
Sounds normal!?

Yeah its like the last 10cm off the ground it cuts motors and drops. Its really strange. If i envoke landing at say 1m high, it lands smooth..

On the previous firmware, i had a few situations where it landed then kept wanting to flip itself over and surging the motors. Also weird behaviour - which I havent experienced since the latest FW update.

I often wonder if that sonar sensor (and camera??) on the belly actually works or if its there for show...

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