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Hello from Nova Scotia


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2018
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Hello from Nova Scotia.

Just bought an Anafi to supplement my Disco.

Had a lot of fun flying the disco, added a 2x size Turnigy battery after carving out a little cargo bay space, and got lots of footage of backwoods areas and some nearby islands. Even used it to do some photogrammetry to map out a chunk of land into a 3D map ( used both Altizure and DroneDeploy just to see if the disco would give usable results ).

Been trying to get accustomed to the Anafi before my trip to Iceland in a few weeks.

Very happy so far, though disappointed that the skycontroller 2 doesn't work with the anafi, the 3 doesn't work with the disco, and I can't get the phone to accept power using a supplemental cable and battery pack with either one ( have a Y splitter that can provide extra power from a USB port in addition to one with power and data, but it doesn't seem to work with a skycontroller ).

So far I've made a couple of terrible 360 panos with Hugin, which I was hoping to become better at before beginning the trip, and a lot of test footage of me looking nervous while flying close to trees.

Also made a gif selfie; how does everybody check in to a forum dedicated to camera equipped drones without posting a drone selfie?


Sent from my ASUS Chromebook Flip C100PA using Tapatalk
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