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Indoor flying


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2018
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Local club hosts indoor flying in the soccer center and I thought it would be different to get some video of their aircraft in flight.
Is it possible to override the rth so I dont crush the Anafi against the ceiling?I would also like to fly under a bridge or 2 and rth is holding me back...
You can’t overwrite RTH as far as i know. The lowest possible altitude you can set is 20meters. But RTH will not be triggered as long as battery level is not low and connection to controller is not lost. So usually, you should be save indoor and when flying under bridges and other stuff
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If you are flying indoors where there is no GPS signal then I assume that the Anafi cannot RTH as it does not know where it or home is. If it runs low on battery then it can only land where it is. I did see somewhere that if you take off without the Anafi GPS signal being green a message appears on the phone/tablet screen that some modes are not available.
Thanks for the replies.
Murphy's Law is my nexus.Was hoping someone had done it with no problem,but there again,no issues,no rth...
Was hoping that if the Anafi can't get a GPS lock then rth wont run.But with my luck,that scenario would lead to a built-in failsafe rth.
As long as you know your position and know the correct stick movements to avoid the other flyers and the walls and ceiling. It will be a challenge and a lot of fun. I fly my trio in my living room anytime we get a firmware update with out any problems. My living room is 15' X 15' X 15', it will drift do to no GPS and turbulence from itself, so anticipate corrections. Good luck and have fun.
Why not change the height of the RTH to a few meters if it's possible in FF6. It would be playable in a soccer center.
I also have good experience indoors with hulls.
Positive: the motors don't cut off (and drone not crashes) with each small wall contact.
Why not change the height of the RTH to a few meters if it's possible in FF6. It would be playable in a soccer center.

The lowest possible setting ist 20meters, which would still be to high. But as others mentioned. It’s quiet possible that RTH is deactivated anyway as long as there is no GPS signal, which is usually the case inside buildings
The lowest possible setting ist 20meters, which would still be to high. But as others mentioned. It’s quiet possible that RTH is deactivated anyway as long as there is no GPS signal, which is usually the case inside buildings
This is what I was wondering.This is a case where it would be nice to see someone from Parrot watching the forum...
Just looked that up in the official manual. It states that for RTH the drone needs GPS or Glonass. Also, Auto RTH, which would happen if the drone is short on power, will show a 1 Minute alert on the screen bevor the drone starts RTH. So you would be able to cancel the process.

They also say that depending on its distance to you when RTH is activated, it will land/hover at it’s current location instead of flying to its starting point.

So I guess flying inside is save as without GPS the drone should not be able to use RTH. Someone should try it and push the RTH button inside a big enough room ^^
In preferences you can set a max altitude limit from 0m to 150m.
You could try setting it to a low value like 1 meter and test whether it will still rise higher when RTH is activated.
I would say it does,in that you aren't allowing all features of the system(gps/rth) to work as they were designed to.
Good question, I at least never heard about that with DJI drones (and they are pretty fast in canceling warranty due to various reasons from what I heared). Also didn’t read anything about such thing from Parrot so I guess that it’s no problem flying inside. Of course your are responsible if you crash your drone or if you use any automatic mode without making sure that there is enough space. But just flying indoors shouldn’t void your warranty
In this interview with Asif Gillani (Parrot Regional Director) the interviewers fly the Anafi indoors right in front of him and he doesn't say anything, is that an admission that its Ok?
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In now way would that be a legal admission. So basically if you need to know best bet is to read the official warranty text that came with your device to find out. Other than that, I see no reason why you would lose warranty just by flying indoors. If you crash your drone it’s your fault. If you fly indoors and let’s say your Anafi just switched off due to a device error and crashed I assume that would be normal warranty.

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