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New smart battery’s


Apr 10, 2019
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Just purchased 2 new battery’s for my Anafi been a good 12 days now fully charged and not on drone.
I thought the battery’s were meant to discharge over this amount of time the one I had that came with the drone does discharge off and on the drone.
The 2 new ones seem to hold full charge.

Has anyone else had this or is this how they are and nothing to worry about

As I understand it they will auto discharge starting 10 days, I think, after the last press of the on/off button. So if you check them after say 9 days you will reset the clock and they will not start to auto discharge for another 10 days.
It will actively start discharging beginning at day 10 after the last use. 12 days after last use it will be in hibernate mode at about 60%.
Just purchased 2 new battery’s for my Anafi been a good 12 days now fully charged and not on drone.
I thought the battery’s were meant to discharge over this amount of time the one I had that came with the drone does discharge off and on the drone.
The 2 new ones seem to hold full charge.

Has anyone else had this or is this how they are and nothing to worry about

i am having same problem , i fully charge 2 batteries and stored in a bag after 2 days i put one on drone and it is having only 48% charging and on other battery it was 63% . i m not sure whats wrong why its discharging.
in my 1 battery in ff6 app it shows max charging capacity 92%, so i think my batteries about to dead, itnt it !!

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