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Post Any Problems You Might be Having With Firmware Updates


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Nov 3, 2018
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Just got my anafi, in the driveway testing it lost connection with the controller and crashed, now it giving me a vertical camera failure message and won't take off
Am I screwed?
Just got my anafi, in the driveway testing it lost connection with the controller and crashed, now it giving me a vertical camera failure message and won't take off
Am I screwed?

I do not know if you're "screwed" but trying a new quad out without there is plenty of space around one is probably not the smartest people can do.

I thought you should send your new Anafi back to the dealer with a claim to have that warranty repaired since there seemed to be a mistake/error in the drone/controller and not the man at the stick.

Good luck, greetings Leif.
You might want to call Parrot support and see what they have to say about the error. They might just tell you to send it in. There are some resets you might try but I am not sure if that would work in your case.

Here is the hard reset procedure for ANAFI.
1. Power ANAFI on.
2. Press the power button and keep it pressed: after approximately 8 seconds, the battery's LEDs turn on red, one after the other.
3. When the 4 LEDs are red, release the power button.
4. ANAFI reboots - a TXT file has been generated on ANAFI's microSD card, which contains ANAFI's Wi-Fi network's password; that's how you can check the hard reset has been successful.

According to Skydreamer (another user on this site)..
To do all 3 reset..
1) Plug battery into wall charger, press and hold power button for 15 seconds.
2) Reinstall the battery in the Anafi, power up, then press and hold power button for 12 seconds to do a hard reset.
3) Connect phone to controller and it should open up freeflight 6, once the controller and the drone have connected, hit the Drone icon to the left of the SD card icon, in the next screen you will see map and numbers below map...scroll down and you will see a hidden Factory (soft) Reset button...reset anafi and right after you will be asked to recalibrate ....if that doesnt happen automatically then go to settings/camera and attempt to recalibrate from there..
After update to 6.2, I also got this error message "Vertical camera failure, please contact Parrot customer service". When this happened, it was in the air during normal flight. Video or pictures cannot be taken. After turned it off and then turned on again, it functioned as normal. I have this occurred four times now. I sent Parrot support an email three days ago, so far, no reply yet. Anyone has similar experience?
After update to 6.2, I also got this error message "Vertical camera failure, please contact Parrot customer service". When this happened, it was in the air during normal flight. Video or pictures cannot be taken. After turned it off and then turned on again, it functioned as normal. I have this occurred four times now. I sent Parrot support an email three days ago, so far, no reply yet. Anyone has similar experience?

Had a similar "Vertical Camera Failure" error message happened to me yesterday, although I have not been able to reset the drone. Additionally there is an "SD Card Error" and a black screen on my device, although the control and telemetry displays do function normally.

I have well over 130 flights on the Anafi, with minimal issues before the FF 6.2 update. The update definitely seemed to be an improvement in many areas, but it appears to have also unleashed a bunch of "Gremlins", at least in my case...
After update to 6.2, I also got this error message "Vertical camera failure, please contact Parrot customer service". Since that time, flights are no longer possible.
I have done all reset's i found, new calibrations and so on, but nothing help, error occurs everytime. I sent Parrot support an email three days ago, so far, no reply yet.
Seeing some issues being posted on here and facebook. Use this post to keep them together and any solutions when found.

"Flight Plan POI function is corrupt" Seeing this one a lot on facebook. Seems to be related to the POI with shaky video and camera not pointing at the right angle.
Thank you for the replies! Before update, I had "SD card error", but so far I have not seen that yet. When I had Vertical Camera problem, I was able to control the drone. There are two files with zero size (.mp4 & .tmp).

Another thing I discovered last night was, for about 25 pictures, I got .jpg files only, no DNG files. I think I always use DNG+JPG only.
I've done a couple of flights on both mine using the S8 and found on one flight using flight plan, it didn't record even though it showed recording and snapping pictures at POI real time with no sd card error. When I put the sd card in my mac it said card unreadable needs to be formated (which I do before every flight). I do not do two flights on the same card.

Just now I flew using the K1 Nivida tablet, the flight did not show, however all the video and pictures did.

I will continue to evaluate.
Some issues with the October update were already discussed HERE.
A reproducable issue is the "below 10% drone battery level Android FF6 crash", which was reported several times and with some (not all) Android phones.
Immediately after the update I found all functions, new and old, working perfectly. This afternoon, while flying a real estate job, some of the FlightPlan functions didn't work. The camera would look in the proper direction and flight the proper course, but not adjust the camera downward toward the specified altitude for the POI. I then found that I'd lost all access to cinema shots. All the new functions are gone and the FlightPlan functionality is diminished.
After update to 6.2, I also got this error message "Vertical camera failure, please contact Parrot customer service". Since that time, flights are no longer possible.
I have done all reset's i found, new calibrations and so on, but nothing help, error occurs everytime. I sent Parrot support an email three days ago, so far, no reply yet.

Lilly from parrot customer service wrote:
.... Unfortunately, the problem is already known to us and our development department is already working on a solution.
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After updating to 6.2, Freeflight no longer runs on my LG K8V (running Android 7.0). Tried uninstalling and re-installing several times, but same result, FF6 starts, but as soon as the initial splash screen displays, the app stops abruptly and displays an error message. Prior to the upgrade, FF6 had run flawlessly since purchase of the Anafi.

I am now running FF6.2 on my LG Stylo 2V, which also is using Android 7.0, and it runs flawlessly.

Anyone else?
Hi all,

I've just updated to FreeFlight 6.2. I now get NO video feed from the Parrot to my phone.

Reviewing the memory card from the drone, images and video are recorded, but they are definitely not displayed within the app.

I have Re-calibrated drone and gimble
I have done a Reset (the one with the red lights) has not resolved issue

Android device in use

Can anybody suggest a fix? thanks
I "updated" to 6.2 and my point of interest footage is very shaky. It also ignored a camera tilt command at the first way point.
I'm using an Ipad. I guess we'll wait for 6.3
I am using 6.2.0 version. I am happy with It. Up to now no problems. I never flight with battery under 15%, so no problems.
Never used waypoint, only manual control.
I am interested in new functions like panorama.
I need to know if there are problems with new version ?

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