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Unable to buy FM and FP - can someone share com.parrot.freeflight6 folder?


May 4, 2019
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I am unable to buy the Freeflight add ons Follow Me and Flight Plan on my Android. I was able to buy them for my iPad on the Apple Store. However I can not transfer from the iPad iOS version to my Android phone.

As I saw here and also on Facebook groups the problem is that Parrot doesn’t accept payments anymore in the Play store and the payments get declined.

Because of this I am unable to use the Freeflight modded version with the options unlocked.

i want to know if someone that has this options unlocked can share the Android/obb/com.parrot.freeflight6 folder with me and some users that have the same problem. This might work since when we install the modded version is the data that is kept on the phone.

Or anyone knows if it is possible to transfer from the iOS to the Android?

thank you,
Last edited:
I am unable to buy the Freeflight add ons Follow Me and Flight Plan on my Android. I was able to buy them for my iPad on the Apple Store. However I can not transfer from the iPad iOS version to my Android phone.

As I saw here and also on Facebook groups the problem is that Parrot doesn’t accept payments anymore in the Play store and the payments get declined.

Because of this I am unable to use the Freeflight modded version with the options unlocked.

i want to know if someone that has this options unlocked can share the Android/obb/com.parrot.freeflight6 folder with me and some users that have the same problem. This might work since when we install the modded version is the data that is kept on the phone.

Or anyone knows if it is possible to transfer from the iOS to the Android?

thank you,
Not sure if this will help but here you go.
You need a valid Parrot registration (b4 Parrot shut support cloud off) being that they no longer sell the FF6 product your registration would need to be from a few years back. There was a free ware product being developed on ParrotPilots forum a coup[le years ago. FlightData Manager I have 4.1.8
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Another option is see if someone has a registered device (phone / tablet) with FFP app installed and working. Mine still work.

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