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HELP - please post OBB for Flight Plan/Follow Me because Parrot no longer sells the function


May 3, 2024
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Parrot discontinued all their consumer drones and it is not possible to get the Flight Plan/Follow Me function in Google-Play-Store for Freeflight pro.
"Follow Me" and "Flight Plan" died silently.
But I don't want to give up my Bebop2 and would like to use Flightplan/Follow Me.

Is there maybe somebody that have the OBB files for Flight Plan/Follow Me and willing to give it away/upload?
I know this is controversal but I don't see any other solution.
Parrot discontinued all their consumer drones and it is not possible to get the Flight Plan/Follow Me function in Google-Play-Store for Freeflight pro.
"Follow Me" and "Flight Plan" died silently.
But I don't want to give up my Bebop2 and would like to use Flightplan/Follow Me.

Is there maybe somebody that have the OBB files for Flight Plan/Follow Me and willing to give it away/upload?
I know this is controversal but I don't see any other solution.
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Hi, Alexxdal - could you please re-share the modded version? I have a Disco and would love to be able to use the flight plan feature!
Thanks very much
Hi, Alexxdal - could you please re-share the modded version? I have a Disco and would love to be able to use the flight plan feature!
Thanks very much
http s://ww w.mediafire.com/file/wl55k5762eomaqu/ freeflight-3-5-2-7_MOD.apk/file
http s://ww w.mediafire.com/file/wl55k5762eomaqu/ freeflight-3-5-2-7_MOD.apk/file
Cheers - so now I have the sync fail issue.
If I navigate into my phone from my PC, I understand I need to put in the OBB folder. What am I pasting in there, and where am I getting these files? Cheers
Cheers - so now I have the sync fail issue.
If I navigate into my phone from my PC, I understand I need to put in the OBB folder. What am I pasting in there, and where am I getting these files? Cheers
http s://ww w.mediafire.com/file/4y4mwpg6xd81xiz/com.parrot.freeflight3.zip/file
Legend. Folder updated, works like a charm! Thank god for people out there like you who keep these sort of things running.
Mega good karma to you!
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Reactions: Alexxdal
Legend. Folder updated, works like a charm! Thank god for people out there like you who keep these sort of things running.
Mega good karma to you!
could you please share the files with me ? Links are offline !!!

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