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Photogrammetry 3D mapping and textures


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2018
Reaction score
Budapest, Hungary
Hi, I would like to inform you that at first I tried the Pix4d at the building site. Unfortunatly I had to upload the pics and I could see only a lower resolution result on the web, and the 30days free time is expired. I used a Toshiba laptop. When I started the calculation on the desktop version, it was 3 days till the end with the core-i3 :-( Unfortunatly I cannot use this software on my HP Z600 PC because I have Linux on it. Pix4D hasn't got Linux version. So I seek and I found different softwares on the net with different prices but as I see only Agisoft had Linux version. Ok, I tried. I have dual Xeon and Quadro card in my HP. It was faster, appx.1.5-2 hours with average settings. Today evening I tried to modify the settings and found a little empty box in a sub-sub menu, GPU Nvidia Quadro ON/OFF. I thought before that this software use the CUDA but it was off. Ops, I turned it on and I push to the max the nvidia settings performance. Voila. I adjust the 3D grid to the maximum and the result was done in 256sec. After it I started the textures and it was done in 165sec. I am very happy with it!! It was appx. 5 minutes. I can rotate, zoom, use and export the 3D model into other softwares also :-)
I will buy this software! Or if anybody use other 3D software please inform me and I will test it .

Képernyőkép – 2019-03-29 22-38-01.pngKépernyőkép – 2019-03-29 22-42-25.pngKépernyőkép – 2019-03-29 23-05-04.png
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Attached is a non-exhaustive list of Photogrammetry softwares (list from the commercialdronepilots.com Forum).
It took me a while to try and analyze all these programs (and a little money at the same time...).
In the end (and I have no particular connection with any of these programs), only Pix4DMapper, Agisoft MetaShape and Reality Capture have caught my eye.
Pix4D and MetaShape are almost the same price (expensive) in Pro version but MetaShape offers support of the 3 platforms (Windows, MacOS and Linux).
For use with 3D models only, MetaShape standard is interesting (€179 the license-although with some DIY with QGIS, one can get out of DEM despite everything....).
Reality capture offers very nice 3D models but the measures associated with these models are a little less precise (99€ for 3 months).
Also known that Pix4D is owned by Parrot and that the integration of the Anafi is optimized (one can see the difference in the density of the point cloud between Pix4D and MetaShape, for the same project and using the same photos taken by the Anafi).
In the end, my choice turns to Pix4DMapper as the main software and MetaShape standard that I already buy. If I have to make a 3D model based solely on the aesthetic aspect, I use Reality Capture.
I also tried the "cloud" version (especially Dronedeploy or Pix4D) and the results are disappointing in terms of precision and rendering : the automation does not allow to clean the point cloud and resulted in strange things, sometimes far from translating reality...

DroneDeploy - www.dronedeploy.com

Photomodeler - www.photomodeler.com/index.html (3d models)

Imagestation - www.hexagongeospatial.com/products/power-portfolio/ imagestation

3dr Site Scan - 3dr.com/enterprise/features/

Contextcapture - www.bentley.com/en/products/brands/contextcapture

Datumate - www.datumate.com

Drone Data Management System - event38.com/drone-data-management-system/

Drone Mapper - dronemapper.com

Drone2Map for ArcGIS - www.esri.com/products/drone2map

Geomatica - www.pcigeomatics.com/software/geomatica/professional

Maps Made Easy - www.mapsmadeeasy.com

Open Drone Map - opendronemap.org

Pix4Dmapper Pro - pix4d.com

Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition - www.agisoft.com

Propeller Aero - www.propelleraero.com

Trimble Business Center - geospatial.trimble.com/products-and-solutions/trimble-business-center

Reality Capture - https://www.capturingreality.com (3d models)

Correlator - 3d www.simactive.com/en/correlator3d/photogrammetry-software/features

Imagine UAV (ERDAS Imagine) - www.geosystems.de/en/products/imagine-uav/benefits/

Icaros One Button - www.icaros.us/onebuttonpro/

SlantView by SlantRange - www.slantrange.com/slantview/

Summit Evolution - www.datem.com

Precision Mapper - www.precisionhawk.com/precisionmapper

Global Mapper for UAV - blog.bluemarblegeo.com/2017/03/22/global-mapper-for-uav-operations/

Unlimited Aerial - holistic-imaging.com/unlimited-aerial/

AgPixel - www.agpixel.com

BladeEdge - edgedata.net/bladeedge/ (Wind Turbines)
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Thanks for the list, very useful. I know, I should buy a new computer but I tried to use the existing one, it is a HP Z600 (it was pretty expensive a few years ago). First I upgraded the RAM and I put a second Xeon CPU. The next one will be the videocard. I have LinuxMint 19.1 on it and a W10. Unfortunatly I had to upgrade to W10 PRO, because the W10 Home could using only one CPU. After the upgrade W10Pro can use both CPU well. The free Linux can handle both well.
The Pix4D is a very good software but 3990EUR is expensive for me. So I think I will choose the one time 179EURMetashape payment. I will measure the time but I think my old PC is faster with the Linux Metashape than the W10 Pix4d in desktop mode.
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Thanks for the list, very useful. I know, I should buy a new computer but I tried to use the existing one, it is a HP Z600 (it was pretty expensive a few years ago). First I upgraded the RAM and I put a second Xeon CPU. The next one will be the videocard. I have LinuxMint 19.1 on it and a W10. Unfortunatly I had to upgrade to W10 PRO, because the W10 Home could using only one CPU. After the upgrade W10Pro can use both CPU well. The free Linux can handle both well.
The Pix4D is a very good software but 3990EUR is expensive for me. So I think I will choose the one time 179EURMetashape payment. I will measure the time but I think my old PC is faster with the Linux Metashape than the W10 Pix4d in desktop mode.
You are right, this seems to be a good solution and if necessary, you can still rent a monthly license for Pix4D Mapper (arround €260 for a month).
Not surprised for Linux which is really an optimized system and consuming few resources.
A powerful computer lets you not spend days waiting for a rendering calculation and to have very high quality renderings.
If time is not a hassle, your setup is not a hassle...
It all depends on what you want to do (or in my case, what customers want...?).
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Hi, I would like to inform you that at first I tried the Pix4d at the building site. Unfortunatly I had to upload the pics and I could see only a lower resolution result on the web, and the 30days free time is expired. I used a Toshiba laptop. When I started the calculation on the desktop version, it was 3 days till the end with the core-i3 :-( Unfortunatly I cannot use this software on my HP Z600 PC because I have Linux on it. Pix4D hasn't got Linux version. So I seek and I found different softwares on the net with different prices but as I see only Agisoft had Linux version. Ok, I tried. I have dual Xeon and Quadro card in my HP. It was faster, appx.1.5-2 hours with average settings. Today evening I tried to modify the settings and found a little empty box in a sub-sub menu, GPU Nvidia Quadro ON/OFF. I thought before that this software use the CUDA but it was off. Ops, I turned it on and I push to the max the nvidia settings performance. Voila. I adjust the 3D grid to the maximum and the result was done in 256sec. After it I started the textures and it was done in 165sec. I am very happy with it!! It was appx. 5 minutes. I can rotate, zoom, use and export the 3D model into other softwares also :)
I will buy this software! Or if anybody use other 3D software please inform me and I will test it .

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I tried mesh room , autodesk recap ,agisoft, drone deploy, reality capture and few more softwares with strange names. But i like meshroom and agisoft photo scan

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