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Show Anafi Log Project


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2018
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Ontario Canada
I have been working with someone who makes programs to read telemetry files and displays the output with errors if any are found. His specialty is with Yuneec drones but I thought I would pick his brain and see if he could make a similar program for our Anafi's.

Here is a link to what he has so far:

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On request of a single guy I have started to create a stand-alone PC application to display, analyse and convert Anafi JSON flight log files. This just to see what's in there and how it's look like. Let's say, proof of concept. I have tested this with one single file which may not representative for all possibilities in the flight logs.

However, here is an first approch (Win 64bit). There may bugs in, a lot of functionality is still missing and maybe not all correct.

When I compare what is in the JSON files and what is in the CSV files from Airdata then I#m a little bit surprised. I did not checked all, but there is for example the number of satellites which looks plausible but this is not in the JSON files at all. I wonder how they get this.
The export to csv is in the application is already working, btw.

br HE
Do you think that Airdata is using the JSON "product_gps_sv_number" field as it's number of satellites? I think that there was a correlation in the JSON and Airdata .csv files that I created but I will not be able to check until tomorrow.
Yes, this sound plausible. But I will do all other work tomorrow. Need to go to bed.

I got some log files from someone in Germany and surprise, the format is different. Still a lot of work to do...

br HE
Hi HE,

your program says "No Anafi Log file …" to all of my German JSON log files.
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Files from different controller have different behaviour and partly a different format (some meta data first, some at the end). I got some file examples from a friend in Germany.
More are welcome.

Just uploaded a version that should be better in parsing the JSON files and hopefully faster.
Same link as above.
Keep on testing.

br HE
OK this one is working on all my .JSON files. The only thing not showing anything is the elevation which is showing now data.
There is a LOT functionality still missing. This will take weeks, not days...:geek:
First step is, to get the stuff in somehow. Looks like this is now less or more working.


First thank you for making a long-awaited "look-in-anafi-log" program for us. (y)

A brief report.

Your program can't run for my virus program but I know the cure for that. ;)

I can convert json to csv and the data in the csv file seemed to be the same as in the json file. (y)

Screen dump routine works. (y)

The other features have not yet been implemented.

Regards, Leif.
Test of German JSON (ShowAnafiLog Version 21.1., 16:17):
Now can be loaded and displayed.
Elevation page ist empty.
Is there someting in the app coded with colors? Like number of sats:
- 1..4 : red
- 5..10: yellow
- more than 10: green.

Or for battery level...
If yes, what are the thresholds and colors?

The color for the number of sats I have in, but it is always green.
Cell hints are also in.

br HE
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There is nothing to say the number of satllites. It will either show red of green. Red not connected or green connected. In the picture provided you can see my phone has connection to satellitesais green but the anafi stays red as it is not connected. Battery levels just show as percentages.

There is a "product_gps_sv_number" field in the JSON that appears to be the number of satillites that the Anafi has in sight. I would have thought that your suggestions for the number of satillites colours is a good starting point.

Regarding the battery can I suggest a simple:-
100% to 50% = Green
50% to 25% = Orange
25% to 0% = Red
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In Flight Plan there are 3 colors in setting the height [m] of a waypoint or POI.
0..40 green
50..80 orange
>90 red
There is a soft transition between these colours (no exact threshold).
I am wondering where we see the battery temp at 32 all the time through out the file if that might be the temperature that triggers the battery to cold alarm?
Battery temperature is not a metadata field in the JSON. I think that it is a standard field in the Airdata .csv file that is filled in with a default value.
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