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Skycontroller 3 drain issue


Oct 5, 2018
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Hey so I am trying to use my Honor 8 with the Anafi's controller ( Controller 3) and while everything else works fine for connectivity the controller also seems to be charging my phone, something that I don't want as it appears that it also causes the controller battery to diesee quite fast. What's the fix on this, any clue?
That is a well known issue mainly with Android phones.
Best way to deal with it is to fully charge the phone before each flight.
Other possibilities:
1. Rooting your phone. You can then stop USB charging.
2. Modifying the USB cable: some guys cut the 5V connection and add a resistor or diode.
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Thanks! Rolled over to DJI threads as well and apparently its an issue with android as you said more than anything else.
I used the Huawei XT2 (Wundaphone) with the DJI, with that one if its rooted (and it is), there is an application on "Google Play" that allows you to disable the charging.

I would hope by now, the developer might have added more phones. What drone you used it with is irrelevant. But yes an Android issue
Yeah sadly the honor 8 isn't rooted our of the box and because of the EMUI there's two layers to work through the rooting. I flew the anafi today with three batteries and my controller still had enough charge because I used the phone at full charge as well. Which worked out for me, for now atleast.
I agree, if the phone is properly charged up the issue seems to not bother so much. The first time I tried it out however my.phone wasn't quite that well off on battery so I guess that was the issue why the drain was so much
I measured the current flow from controller to the tablet/phone. Even though the devices are fully charged the current is about 0.5A, which is quite substantial I would say. How do I root my phone? My android phone has the "developers mode" , do I then still need a separate app? Thanks Ton
I measured the current flow from controller to the tablet/phone. Even though the devices are fully charged the current is about 0.5A, which is quite substantial I would say. How do I root my phone? My android phone has the "developers mode" , do I then still need a separate app? Thanks Ton
It's a complete non-issue to me, don't see why some people get so hung up on it (same with the whole SD card holder malarkey).

As for rooting your phone, google it. It's different method for different phones, not all phones can be rooted (it's way more than just turning on developers mode or installing an app), for instance the process will almost certainly involve wiping your phone entirely - it will also prevent some regular apps from working (banking apps particularly don't like to run on a rooted phone).
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It's a complete non-issue to me, don't see why some people get so hung up on it (same with the whole SD card holder malarkey).

As for rooting your phone, google it. It's different method for different phones, not all phones can be rooted (it's way more than just turning on developers mode or installing an app), for instance the process will almost certainly involve wiping your phone entirely - it will also prevent some regular apps from working (banking apps particularly don't like to run on a rooted phone).

Ok, thanks, good to know that it's not easy, better not mess up my Phone settings. BTW, I am with you on the SD card holder but w.r.t. the this topic I do not agree; after flying 2 to 3 batteries down to 20 to 30%, my controller is completely depleted :-(. Thanks Ton
Ok, thanks, good to know that it's not easy, better not mess up my Phone settings. BTW, I am with you on the SD card holder but w.r.t. the this topic I do not agree; after flying 2 to 3 batteries down to 20 to 30%, my controller is completely depleted :-(. Thanks Ton
How charged is your phone when you start flying and see this level of controller depletion?

Tbh though,that must be near enough 60mins of flight time you are talking about before the Controller is flat - is that really so unacceptable?

I've only got one battery currently so can't really offer any experience of what you describe (I think you'll be in the minority of users, having 3-4 batteries).
I guess you're right. Indeed it is not unacceptable but it is more convenient not to need charging the controller every time when the batteries are down. With my Bebop2 Power and DJI Spark I am used to not charge every time. Thanks Ton
I guess you're right. Indeed it is not unacceptable but it is more convenient not to need charging the controller every time when the batteries are down. With my Bebop2 Power and DJI Spark I am used to not charge every time. Thanks Ton
In the technical specifications of the controller battery life is estimated with 2h30 for Android (with charging the phone) and 5h30 for iOS.
For Android the infos are right I think if the phone is fully charged initally. So you can fly with up to 5 drone batteries.
I measured the current with my Gearmo usb charging device. There is almost no difference in the current(0.5A) if the device is fully charged or not. It seems to me that the 2h30 is way to optimistic. It more like 3 batteries, and then you don't want to fly the controller battery all the way empty. I guess I need to buy an IOS device :-(. I will do the check coming flights and will come with hard numbers ;-).
I measured the current with my Gearmo usb charging device. There is almost no difference in the current(0.5A) if the device is fully charged or not. It seems to me that the 2h30 is way to optimistic. It more like 3 batteries, and then you don't want to fly the controller battery all the way empty. I guess I need to buy an IOS device :-(. I will do the check coming flights and will come with hard numbers ;-).
I have no doubt, that you measured the drain correctly.

But this is factored as you can see in the specifications:
A) If battery life is 5,5h with iOS and the controller battery has 2,5 Ah, then the controller consumption would be about 0,45 A without considerable charging an iOS phone.
B) If you measured 0,5 A charging the Android phone and the controller alone needs 0,45 A, then the SC3 battery will be discharged with 0,95 A totally.
C) The controller battery with 2,5 Ah will be able to supply the SC3 plus an Android phone arithmetically for about 2h38.

That is exactly what Parrot says (2h30) in the SC3 technical specs.
I have a android phone and when I go fly I make sure the Anafi battery, the SC3 battery and my phone battery is fully charged. Not once have I ever had a problem with anything running out of power or even close to it. People are worrying about silly things.....just go and fly your Anafi and have fun.
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I have no doubt, that you measured the drain correctly.

But this is factored as you can see in the specifications:
A) If battery life is 5,5h with iOS and the controller battery has 2,5 Ah, then the controller consumption would be about 0,45 A without considerable charging an iOS phone.
B) If you measured 0,5 A charging the Android phone and the controller alone needs 0,45 A, then the SC3 battery will be discharged with 0,95 A totally.
C) The controller battery with 2,5 Ah will be able to supply the SC3 plus an Android phone arithmetically for about 2h38.

That is exactly what Parrot says (2h30) in the SC3 technical specs.

Indeed, that's funny I just did the same arithmetics. So 2h30 is it all the way down to complete depletion. My controller is brand new, so probably it helps also when it had a few cycles of charging more. Mostly I start recharging my controller at 30%. That then corresponds better with 3 batteries. I should have more guts to fly it more empty ;-). Thanks Ton
I have a android phone and when I go fly I make sure the Anafi battery, the SC3 battery and my phone battery is fully charged. Not once have I ever had a problem with anything running out of power or even close to it. People are worrying about silly things.....just go and fly your Anafi and have fun.
You're right! Ton
I have no doubt, that you measured the drain correctly.

But this is factored as you can see in the specifications:
A) If battery life is 5,5h with iOS and the controller battery has 2,5 Ah, then the controller consumption would be about 0,45 A without considerable charging an iOS phone.
B) If you measured 0,5 A charging the Android phone and the controller alone needs 0,45 A, then the SC3 battery will be discharged with 0,95 A totally.
C) The controller battery with 2,5 Ah will be able to supply the SC3 plus an Android phone arithmetically for about 2h38.

That is exactly what Parrot says (2h30) in the SC3 technical specs.

I can just add to that when I fly 3 batteries with my 10" Lenovo tablet, there is around 55% power left on the controllers battery according to FreeFlight 6. I have not tried to fly two sets of batteries (6 pcs in total). Both devices are fully charged when I start flying.

You should not be able to draw more than 5V 0.5Amp from a USB-A port/connector.

Regards Leif.
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B) If you measured 0,5 A charging the Android phone and the controller alone needs 0,45 A, then the SC3 battery will be discharged with 0,95 A totally.
No. The controller battery is 2.5Ah @3.7V, so supplying 0.5A on the USB port @5V actually draws about 700mA from the controller's battery.

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