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First Anafi range test...confusing


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2018
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Not mine, just saw this on YT :

Not a great test as it started with a battery level of 80% and it seemed it forced an RTH due to the battery level at 55%. In any case the flight time was not great with 51% used in 11'.

The app started complaining about low connection at 1000 meters but kept going to 2460 meters before the RTH (connection or battery?).
Nothing wrong with that seeing as VLOS is mandatory here in the US, not much of a range flyer, this will work for me, actually better that my MA ever got!
Ya 1.5 miles is pretty good considering where he started from. It did RTH on loss of connection so at least we know that works. What I did not like it did not seem to reconnect for a long time.
I'm a little concerned about setting RTH Altitude, did not see the option in the App, probably have to have the drone connected. Read in other forums that the BeeBop2 had only 20 meters above current altitude if RTH triggered , that will be a deal breaker for me if it is the same on the Anafi.
My BB2 RTH'd at its current altitude if it was above a set altitude, I think it was 30 meters by default. Like the Spark really.

Ya 1.5 miles is pretty good considering where he started from. It did RTH on loss of connection so at least we know that works. What I did not like it did not seem to reconnect for a long time.
I'm guessing RTH on battery because it flashed <1' just when it RTH'd.
I just talked to the guy who made the video. Here is what he had to say.

"At 3:52 i think it was battery failsafe but the actual RTH was due to signal. Did not pushed it. Can go further "
I'm a little concerned about setting RTH Altitude, did not see the option in the App, probably have to have the drone connected. Read in other forums that the BeeBop2 had only 20 meters above current altitude if RTH triggered , that will be a deal breaker for me if it is the same on the Anafi.

From the same guy who made the video he said the RTH alt in the beta App cannot be changed but when it becomes final (Pro) you can change it. Not sure how he knows but seems to have some kind of inside info.

He also said Anafi has a secret signal mode at 100mhz.
I just talked to the guy who made the video. Here is what he had to say.

"At 3:52 i think it was battery failsafe but the actual RTH was due to signal. Did not pushed it. Can go further "
Huh ? Doesn't make sense, RTH was either due to the battery or the signal, can't be both, and if it was the signal how could he have pushed it ? Cancel RTH and keep on flying ? Not much point if there was no signal left. Hopefully we'll get some other tests soon now that it's available.

EDIT - ok so on closer inspection it seems there was a first RTH at 3:06, likely the battery, he cancelled it at 3:32 and it kicked in again at 4:12 but then the app still complained about weak signal and that it would RTH (it was already in RTH) if the connection got lost. Like I wrote in the title, confusing !

Also he's still confident you can hit 4k as per the specs...strange because that first test shows no indication of that, both signal (CE) and battery wise, we shall see...
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From my understanding this distance test was based on the CE range and not the FCC range here in North America. It will make a difference. And there is some kind of battery hack for the BeBops so I guess these guys are working on one for this thing. LOL
Not aware of any battery hack for the BeBop Drones (I had the AR, BB1 and BB2) ? Now you could get batteries with more capacity (allegedly) but they were also heavier so...I really liked my BB2 actually, a very good flyer with decent video and nice auto-modes, but terrible pictures (even with all kind of post-processing) and very inconvenient to schlep around, unlike the Spark...and now the Air and Anafi of course.
Another early range test, FCC this time :

With no spare batteries available it's a bit hard for the testers if they want to try other aspects too ;-)
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I'm getting about a half mile range with mine so far before it tries to come home. Usually I can push it forward a bit more. My xstar didn't perform much better in my area i was hoping the Anafi would perform a better. I think 5.8 frequency works better I'm not sure the software picks the best channe!s and/or frequency so I have been manually setting it. Anybody have any suggestions?
Hi to all,

Second range test here:

Anafi get better and better
Hi,there seems to be issue with skycontroller 3 calibration or is some kind a bug,but in radar signal is always off even though sc3 antenna is facing Anafi,i am sure it is effecting range once you get further away
Hi,there seems to be issue with skycontroller 3 calibration or is some kind a bug,but in radar signal is always off even though sc3 antenna is facing Anafi,i am sure it is effecting range once you get further away
That is 100% correct. It is a bug in the Android app, in iOS (beta) this is not happening
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Had my first range test yesterday (Austria, EU).
Complete Signal loss at 400m, straight line of sight, very little wifi interference, network on 2,4GHz.
Very dissapointing, also the video feed didnt reconnect on RHT, even when it was 3m away from me, but it did react to controller input.
I will try a different location soon, i hope the range improves.
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