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Phone not detecting controller


Nov 2, 2018
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Hi, my phone has stopped connecting to my controller for the Anafai. My phone is the Sony Xperia XA-1, I've tried changing the USB connectivity modes, enabling and disabling USB Debugging. I've also tried replacing the cable and using a different phone with the same result of getting no connection. The drone still flies when not using the controller and only using my phone and the drone but this is not ideal, especially as I've only owned the drone for half a year. Also tried installing previous versions of the app with no success, I have contacted the official support however getting slow and so far unhelpful advice. Any help would be appreciated
Just to be clear, you've been using the same phone for six months with no problems, you haven't done any updates to the phone or controller, and now the phone and controller won't connect. Is that accurate?
My phone will not connect either. I can fly with wifi only or fly with the remote alone but it will not connect to the phone. I think the usb port on the controller is bad. I have tried basically everything everyone has tried. is there anything that can be done? is there any other controller that will work like the Flypad or Sky controller 2? Or can the SK3 be bought separately, i cannot find one even on ebay. I ven tried buying a ucb-c to usb-c but the phone only recognizes it as a otg cable and still will not connect. any suggestions?
Can you confirm that you are connecting the cable from the USB-A socket on the controller ( NOT the USB-C one) to the USB connector on the phone? Also were you able to connect your phone to the controller when you first got the Anafi?
Yes I tried to connect it to the typical USB a port on the controller. Then a tried USB-c to USB-c. no luck. I bought it refurbished, the control has yet to connect.
Just to be clear, you've been using the same phone for six months with no problems, you haven't done any updates to the phone or controller, and now the phone and controller won't connect. Is that accurate?
My phone has updated in the last six months however I've flown the drone since with the controller.

It sure sounds like a cable problem. You said you tried a different cable, but it's an easy test to try another cable or two, just to be sure...
I will give it a try if I can obtain another cable.

Is the USB connector on the controller still attached to the PCB firmly?
Yes, it is.

Can you confirm that you are connecting the cable from the USB-A socket on the controller ( NOT the USB-C one) to the USB connector on the phone? Also were you able to connect your phone to the controller when you first got the Anafi?
Yes, I use a USB-A to USB-C for the connection and the USB-A end is plugged into the controller.
The USB port of SC3 is not very stable mounted to the body and it seems that after several time of using the connection inside of the controller is breaking. Yesterday I found the same problem and when push the cable down the USB connection of SC3 by my tablet is working properly, but I have to care about cable position during my flights! I succeeded to done my work, but I have to check and repair the USB port of SC3 to ensure stable connection...
I got my first Anafi in Nov. of 2018. My controller had the same issue before the end of the year. Maybe four or five weeks. I had flown it 10 or 15 times. Maybe the fact that I left the USB-A plugged in between flights sometimes made things worse. Parrot support back then, after a week of back and forth and applying all troubleshooting techniques, replaced by drone and controller. The new drone flew for 12 and a half hours about 120 flights and is no longer flying because of motor power issues. So I got a refurbished new to me anafi and controller. The new to me refurb controller connected to my device only long enough to updated its firmware, and once for about one second after that. Even then I got a warning on my device that it was a poor charging connection. A few things to think about. The Skycontroller 3 may have a fragile USA-A connection. Treat that USB-A socket on the skycontroller 3 gently. If you have issues, perform all the troubleshooting then pursue customer service.
Now I have two skycontroller 3s and two anafis. The new to me refurb anafi will not connect with the good skycontroller 3 that connects to my device.
Does anyone know how to bind a skycontroller 3 with an anafi that it didn't come with?

Interesting video on the subject
Translation of Italian to English via google "As shown in the video, the positioning and / or fixing of the USB A connector has been poorly designed.
Inserting and disconnecting the USB cable creates stresses until, as in my case, it reaches non-functioning.
Then, not realizing immediately where the problem came from, I solicited the USB A connector and even, by removing the pins from the PCB, a track was "torn" from me.
At this point, I created a "jumper" to skip the problem and now the controller works.
I arrived at the repair on my own because the Parrot support, in my opinion, was embarrassing and not decisive.
The drone is also a good product, but with such assistance, next time I will opt for another supplier."

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