Tested after I had photographed the sunrise the automatic RTH function. With my quad hovering 50 meters from the starting point at a height of 100 meters, I waited until the automatic RTH function came into operation, which happened at 10% battery. Anafi flew to the home point and began to reduce altitude for landing. With 7% battery back all the motors suddenly stopped and Anafi was dropped the last about 30 meters so its fell on the back in some tall grass 3 meters from where I stood. Visible damage is 5 props blades but otherwise apparently nothing more as everything works. Has raised an case at Parrot to get settled why the engines stopped 30 meters above the ground. I have to think about it can happen again and then it is not certain that Anafi lands in high grass this time !!!

Regards, Leif.

Regards, Leif.