I've had my bop2 /w sc2 for a month. Since day one I've been unable to charge the battery in SC 2 above 50%, until Last night.
After charging drone batt. 100%, then change cables and plugged in sc2. 4hrs. Later the light turns green.
I power on sc2, then drone then connect phone. App opens and it reads 50% for sc2 power, and my phone continues charging off sc2, making this worse. I shut down sc2 and for reason, I took the Battery out. Round 3.6v., tested the voltage on both cells. 3.57v on both. Put the same battery back in, I don't know what's wrong. I
Decided to fly cause it was 47deg. in Jan. In Minnesota!!? I Power on everything again, look at that, 100% AND 100%. FOR SOME REASON, that seemed to have fixed my sc2 problem. DOH!
2 2mins. Later drone power
21%and sc2 power 89%. Oh that's right, and I think I found how to Dramically slow down the draining battery because of charging. Stay tuned
After charging drone batt. 100%, then change cables and plugged in sc2. 4hrs. Later the light turns green.
I power on sc2, then drone then connect phone. App opens and it reads 50% for sc2 power, and my phone continues charging off sc2, making this worse. I shut down sc2 and for reason, I took the Battery out. Round 3.6v., tested the voltage on both cells. 3.57v on both. Put the same battery back in, I don't know what's wrong. I
Decided to fly cause it was 47deg. in Jan. In Minnesota!!? I Power on everything again, look at that, 100% AND 100%. FOR SOME REASON, that seemed to have fixed my sc2 problem. DOH!
2 2mins. Later drone power
21%and sc2 power 89%. Oh that's right, and I think I found how to Dramically slow down the draining battery because of charging. Stay tuned